
genel statik son sınıf DebuggedGraph.Builder

 A debugger-instrumented graph.
Protobuf türü tensorflow.DebuggedGraph

Genel Yöntemler

Hata AyıklanmışGraph.Builder
addAllInstrumentedOps (Yinelenebilir<String> değerleri)
 Names of the instrumented ops.
Hata AyıklanmışGraph.Builder
addInstrumentedOps (Dize değeri)
 Names of the instrumented ops.
Hata AyıklanmışGraph.Builder
addInstrumentedOpsBytes ( değeri)
 Names of the instrumented ops.
Hata AyıklanmışGraph.Builder
addRepeatedField ( alanı, Nesne değeri)
Hata AyıklanmışGrafik
Hata AyıklanmışGrafik
Hata AyıklanmışGraph.Builder
Hata AyıklanmışGraph.Builder
clearField ( alanı)
Hata AyıklanmışGraph.Builder
clearGraphID ()
 An ID for the graph.
Hata AyıklanmışGraph.Builder
clearGraphAdı ()
 Name of the graph (if available).
Hata AyıklanmışGraph.Builder
clearInstrumentedGraphDef ()
 An encoded version of a GraphDef.
Hata AyıklanmışGraph.Builder
clearInstrumentedOps ()
 Names of the instrumented ops.
Hata AyıklanmışGraph.Builder
clearOneof ( oneof)
Hata AyıklanmışGraph.Builder
clearOriginalGraphDef ()
 Original (uninstrumented) GraphDef (if available).
Hata AyıklanmışGraph.Builder
clearOuterContextId ()
 IDs of the immediate enclosing context (graph), if any.
Hata AyıklanmışGraph.Builder
klon ()
Hata AyıklanmışGrafik
final statik
getGraphId ()
 An ID for the graph.
getGraphIdBytes ()
 An ID for the graph.
getGraphName ()
 Name of the graph (if available).
getGraphNameBytes ()
 Name of the graph (if available).
getInstrumentedGraphDef ()
 An encoded version of a GraphDef.
getInstrumentedOps (int dizini)
 Names of the instrumented ops.
getInstrumentedOpsBytes (int dizini)
 Names of the instrumented ops.
getInstrumentedOpsCount ()
 Names of the instrumented ops.
getInstrumentedOpsList ()
 Names of the instrumented ops.
getOriginalGraphDef ()
 Original (uninstrumented) GraphDef (if available).
getOuterContextId ()
 IDs of the immediate enclosing context (graph), if any.
getOuterContextIdBytes ()
 IDs of the immediate enclosing context (graph), if any.
son boole değeri
Hata AyıklanmışGraph.Builder
mergeFrom ( girişi, extensionRegistry)
Hata AyıklanmışGraph.Builder
mergeFrom ( other)
son DebuggedGraph.Builder
mergeUnknownFields ( bilinmiyorFields)
Hata AyıklanmışGraph.Builder
setField ( alanı, Nesne değeri)
Hata AyıklanmışGraph.Builder
setGraphId (Dize değeri)
 An ID for the graph.
Hata AyıklanmışGraph.Builder
setGraphIdBytes ( değeri)
 An ID for the graph.
Hata AyıklanmışGraph.Builder
setGraphName (Dize değeri)
 Name of the graph (if available).
Hata AyıklanmışGraph.Builder
setGraphNameBytes ( değeri)
 Name of the graph (if available).
Hata AyıklanmışGraph.Builder
setInstrumentedGraphDef ( değeri)
 An encoded version of a GraphDef.
Hata AyıklanmışGraph.Builder
setInstrumentedOps (int dizini, Dize değeri)
 Names of the instrumented ops.
Hata AyıklanmışGraph.Builder
setOriginalGraphDef ( değeri)
 Original (uninstrumented) GraphDef (if available).
Hata AyıklanmışGraph.Builder
setOuterContextId (Dize değeri)
 IDs of the immediate enclosing context (graph), if any.
Hata AyıklanmışGraph.Builder
setOuterContextIdBytes ( değeri)
 IDs of the immediate enclosing context (graph), if any.
Hata AyıklanmışGraph.Builder
setRepeatedField ( alanı, int dizini, Nesne değeri)
son DebuggedGraph.Builder
setUnknownFields ( bilinmeyenFields)

Kalıtsal Yöntemler

Genel Yöntemler

public DebuggedGraph.Builder addAllInstrumentedOps (Yinelenebilir<String> değerleri)

 Names of the instrumented ops. This can be used to look up op name
 based on the numeric-summary tensors (2nd column).
repeated string instrumented_ops = 3;

public DebuggedGraph.Builder addInstrumentedOps (Dize değeri)

 Names of the instrumented ops. This can be used to look up op name
 based on the numeric-summary tensors (2nd column).
repeated string instrumented_ops = 3;

public DebuggedGraph.Builder addInstrumentedOpsBytes ( değeri)

 Names of the instrumented ops. This can be used to look up op name
 based on the numeric-summary tensors (2nd column).
repeated string instrumented_ops = 3;

public DebuggedGraph.Builder addRepeatedField ( alanı, Nesne değeri)

genel DebuggedGraph yapısı ()

genel Hata AyıklanmışGrafik buildPartial ()

genel DebuggedGraph.Builder clear ()

genel DebuggedGraph.Builder clearField ( alanı)

genel DebuggedGraph.Builder clearGraphId ()

 An ID for the graph.
 This can be used up to look up graph names. Generated by the debugger.
string graph_id = 1;

genel DebuggedGraph.Builder clearGraphName ()

 Name of the graph (if available).
string graph_name = 2;

genel DebuggedGraph.Builder clearInstrumentedGraphDef ()

 An encoded version of a GraphDef.
 This graph may include the debugger-inserted ops.
bytes instrumented_graph_def = 5;

genel DebuggedGraph.Builder clearInstrumentedOps ()

 Names of the instrumented ops. This can be used to look up op name
 based on the numeric-summary tensors (2nd column).
repeated string instrumented_ops = 3;

genel DebuggedGraph.Builder clearOneof ( oneof)

genel DebuggedGraph.Builder clearOriginalGraphDef ()

 Original (uninstrumented) GraphDef (if available).
bytes original_graph_def = 4;

public DebuggedGraph.Builder clearOuterContextId ()

 IDs of the immediate enclosing context (graph), if any.
string outer_context_id = 6;

genel DebuggedGraph.Builder klonu ()

public DebuggedGraph getDefaultInstanceForType ()

public static final getDescriptor ()

public getDescriptorForType ()

genel Dize getGraphId ()

 An ID for the graph.
 This can be used up to look up graph names. Generated by the debugger.
string graph_id = 1;

public getGraphIdBytes ()

 An ID for the graph.
 This can be used up to look up graph names. Generated by the debugger.
string graph_id = 1;

genel Dize getGraphName ()

 Name of the graph (if available).
string graph_name = 2;

public getGraphNameBytes ()

 Name of the graph (if available).
string graph_name = 2;

public getInstrumentedGraphDef ()

 An encoded version of a GraphDef.
 This graph may include the debugger-inserted ops.
bytes instrumented_graph_def = 5;

public String getInstrumentedOps (int dizini)

 Names of the instrumented ops. This can be used to look up op name
 based on the numeric-summary tensors (2nd column).
repeated string instrumented_ops = 3;

public getInstrumentedOpsBytes (int dizini)

 Names of the instrumented ops. This can be used to look up op name
 based on the numeric-summary tensors (2nd column).
repeated string instrumented_ops = 3;

public int getInstrumentedOpsCount ()

 Names of the instrumented ops. This can be used to look up op name
 based on the numeric-summary tensors (2nd column).
repeated string instrumented_ops = 3;

public getInstrumentedOpsList ()

 Names of the instrumented ops. This can be used to look up op name
 based on the numeric-summary tensors (2nd column).
repeated string instrumented_ops = 3;

public getOriginalGraphDef ()

 Original (uninstrumented) GraphDef (if available).
bytes original_graph_def = 4;

public String getOuterContextId ()

 IDs of the immediate enclosing context (graph), if any.
string outer_context_id = 6;

public getOuterContextIdBytes ()

 IDs of the immediate enclosing context (graph), if any.
string outer_context_id = 6;

genel final boolean isInitialized ()

genel DebuggedGraph.Builder mergeFrom ( girişi, extensionRegistry)

IO İstisnası

genel DebuggedGraph.Builder mergeFrom ( other)

genel final DebuggedGraph.Builder mergeUnknownFields ( bilinmiyorFields)

public DebuggedGraph.Builder setField ( alanı, Nesne değeri)

public DebuggedGraph.Builder setGraphId (Dize değeri)

 An ID for the graph.
 This can be used up to look up graph names. Generated by the debugger.
string graph_id = 1;

public DebuggedGraph.Builder setGraphIdBytes ( değeri)

 An ID for the graph.
 This can be used up to look up graph names. Generated by the debugger.
string graph_id = 1;

public DebuggedGraph.Builder setGraphName (Dize değeri)

 Name of the graph (if available).
string graph_name = 2;

public DebuggedGraph.Builder setGraphNameBytes ( değeri)

 Name of the graph (if available).
string graph_name = 2;

public DebuggedGraph.Builder setInstrumentedGraphDef ( değeri)

 An encoded version of a GraphDef.
 This graph may include the debugger-inserted ops.
bytes instrumented_graph_def = 5;

public DebuggedGraph.Builder setInstrumentedOps (int dizini, Dize değeri)

 Names of the instrumented ops. This can be used to look up op name
 based on the numeric-summary tensors (2nd column).
repeated string instrumented_ops = 3;

public DebuggedGraph.Builder setOriginalGraphDef ( değeri)

 Original (uninstrumented) GraphDef (if available).
bytes original_graph_def = 4;

public DebuggedGraph.Builder setOuterContextId (Dize değeri)

 IDs of the immediate enclosing context (graph), if any.
string outer_context_id = 6;

public DebuggedGraph.Builder setOuterContextIdBytes ( değeri)

 IDs of the immediate enclosing context (graph), if any.
string outer_context_id = 6;

public DebuggedGraph.Builder setRepeatedField ( alanı, int dizini, Nesne değeri)

genel final DebuggedGraph.Builder setUnknownFields ( bilinmiyorFields)