
공개 정적 최종 클래스 GraphOpCreation.Builder

 The creation of an op in a TensorFlow Graph (e.g., FuncGraph in TF2).
Protobuf 유형 tensorflow.GraphOpCreation

공개 방법

addAllInputNames (Iterable<String> 값)
 Names of the input tensors to the op.
addAllOutputTensorIds (Iterable<? 확장 Integer> 값)
 Unique IDs for the output tensors of this op.
addInputNames (문자열 값)
 Names of the input tensors to the op.
addInputNamesBytes ( 값)
 Names of the input tensors to the op.
addOutputTensorIds (정수 값)
 Unique IDs for the output tensors of this op.
addRepeatedField ( 필드, 개체 값)
짓다 ()
클리어코드위치 ()
 The unique ID for code location (stack trace) of the op's creation.
클리어디바이스이름 ()
 Name of the device that the op is assigned to (if available).
ClearField ( 필드)
클리어그래프ID ()
 Unique ID of the graph (generated by debugger).
클리어그래프이름 ()
 Name of the graph that the op is a part of (if available).
클리어입력이름 ()
 Names of the input tensors to the op.
클리어Num출력 ()
 Number of output tensors emitted by the op.
ClearOneof ( oneof)
클리어OpName ()
 Name of the op (e.g., "Dense/MatMul_1").
클리어옵타입 ()
 Type of the op (e.g., "MatMul").
ClearOutputTensorIds ()
 Unique IDs for the output tensors of this op.
클론 ()
getCodeLocation ()
 The unique ID for code location (stack trace) of the op's creation.
getCodeLocationBuilder ()
 The unique ID for code location (stack trace) of the op's creation.
getCodeLocationOrBuilder ()
 The unique ID for code location (stack trace) of the op's creation.
최종 정적
getDeviceName ()
 Name of the device that the op is assigned to (if available).
getDeviceNameBytes ()
 Name of the device that the op is assigned to (if available).
getGraphId ()
 Unique ID of the graph (generated by debugger).
getGraphIdBytes ()
 Unique ID of the graph (generated by debugger).
그래프이름 ()
 Name of the graph that the op is a part of (if available).
getGraphNameBytes ()
 Name of the graph that the op is a part of (if available).
getInputNames (정수 인덱스)
 Names of the input tensors to the op.
getInputNamesBytes (정수 인덱스)
 Names of the input tensors to the op.
getInputNamesCount ()
 Names of the input tensors to the op.
getInputNamesList ()
 Names of the input tensors to the op.
getNumOutputs ()
 Number of output tensors emitted by the op.
getOpName ()
 Name of the op (e.g., "Dense/MatMul_1").
getOpNameBytes ()
 Name of the op (e.g., "Dense/MatMul_1").
getOpType ()
 Type of the op (e.g., "MatMul").
getOpTypeBytes ()
 Type of the op (e.g., "MatMul").
getOutputTensorIds (정수 인덱스)
 Unique IDs for the output tensors of this op.
getOutputTensorIdsCount ()
 Unique IDs for the output tensors of this op.
getOutputTensorIdsList ()
 Unique IDs for the output tensors of this op.
해시코드위치 ()
 The unique ID for code location (stack trace) of the op's creation.
최종 부울
mergeCodeLocation ( CodeLocation 값)
 The unique ID for code location (stack trace) of the op's creation.
mergeFrom (다른 메시지 보내기)
mergeFrom ( 입력, ExtensionRegistry)
최종 GraphOpCreation.Builder
mergeUnknownFields ( 알려지지 않은Fields)
setCodeLocation ( CodeLocation 값)
 The unique ID for code location (stack trace) of the op's creation.
setCodeLocation ( CodeLocation.Builder builderForValue)
 The unique ID for code location (stack trace) of the op's creation.
setDeviceName (문자열 값)
 Name of the device that the op is assigned to (if available).
setDeviceNameBytes ( 값)
 Name of the device that the op is assigned to (if available).
setField ( 필드, 개체 값)
setGraphId (문자열 값)
 Unique ID of the graph (generated by debugger).
setGraphIdBytes ( 값)
 Unique ID of the graph (generated by debugger).
setGraphName (문자열 값)
 Name of the graph that the op is a part of (if available).
setGraphNameBytes ( 값)
 Name of the graph that the op is a part of (if available).
setInputNames (int 인덱스, 문자열 값)
 Names of the input tensors to the op.
setNumOutputs (정수 값)
 Number of output tensors emitted by the op.
setOpName (문자열 값)
 Name of the op (e.g., "Dense/MatMul_1").
setOpNameBytes ( 값)
 Name of the op (e.g., "Dense/MatMul_1").
setOpType (문자열 값)
 Type of the op (e.g., "MatMul").
setOpTypeBytes ( 값)
 Type of the op (e.g., "MatMul").
setOutputTensorIds (int 인덱스, int 값)
 Unique IDs for the output tensors of this op.
setRepeatedField ( 필드, int 인덱스, 개체 값)
최종 GraphOpCreation.Builder
setUnknownFields ( UnknownFields)

상속된 메서드

공개 방법

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder addAllInputNames (Iterable<String> 값)

 Names of the input tensors to the op.
repeated string input_names = 6;

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder addAllOutputTensorIds (Iterable<? 확장 Integer> 값)

 Unique IDs for the output tensors of this op.
repeated int32 output_tensor_ids = 9;

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder addInputNames (문자열 값)

 Names of the input tensors to the op.
repeated string input_names = 6;

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder addInputNamesBytes ( 값)

 Names of the input tensors to the op.
repeated string input_names = 6;

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder addOutputTensorIds (int 값)

 Unique IDs for the output tensors of this op.
repeated int32 output_tensor_ids = 9;

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder addRepeatedField ( 필드, 개체 값)

공개 GraphOpCreation 빌드 ()

공개 GraphOpCreation buildPartial ()

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder 지우기 ()

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder ClearCodeLocation ()

 The unique ID for code location (stack trace) of the op's creation.
.tensorflow.CodeLocation code_location = 8;

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder ClearDeviceName ()

 Name of the device that the op is assigned to (if available).
string device_name = 5;

공개 GraphOpCreation.BuilderclearField ( 필드)

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder ClearGraphId ()

 Unique ID of the graph (generated by debugger).
 This is the ID of the immediately-enclosing graph.
string graph_id = 4;

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder 클리어 그래프 이름 ()

 Name of the graph that the op is a part of (if available).
string graph_name = 3;

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder ClearInputNames ()

 Names of the input tensors to the op.
repeated string input_names = 6;

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder ClearNumOutputs ()

 Number of output tensors emitted by the op.
int32 num_outputs = 7;

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder clearOneof ( oneof)

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder 클리어OpName ()

 Name of the op (e.g., "Dense/MatMul_1").
string op_name = 2;

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder 클리어OpType ()

 Type of the op (e.g., "MatMul").
string op_type = 1;

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder ClearOutputTensorIds ()

 Unique IDs for the output tensors of this op.
repeated int32 output_tensor_ids = 9;

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder 클론 ()

공개 CodeLocation getCodeLocation ()

 The unique ID for code location (stack trace) of the op's creation.
.tensorflow.CodeLocation code_location = 8;

공개 CodeLocation.Builder getCodeLocationBuilder ()

 The unique ID for code location (stack trace) of the op's creation.
.tensorflow.CodeLocation code_location = 8;

공개 CodeLocationOrBuilder getCodeLocationOrBuilder ()

 The unique ID for code location (stack trace) of the op's creation.
.tensorflow.CodeLocation code_location = 8;

공개 GraphOpCreation getDefaultInstanceForType ()

공개 정적 최종 getDescriptor ()

공개 getDescriptorForType ()

공개 문자열 getDeviceName ()

 Name of the device that the op is assigned to (if available).
string device_name = 5;

공개 getDeviceNameBytes ()

 Name of the device that the op is assigned to (if available).
string device_name = 5;

공개 문자열 getGraphId ()

 Unique ID of the graph (generated by debugger).
 This is the ID of the immediately-enclosing graph.
string graph_id = 4;

공개 getGraphIdBytes ()

 Unique ID of the graph (generated by debugger).
 This is the ID of the immediately-enclosing graph.
string graph_id = 4;

공개 문자열 getGraphName ()

 Name of the graph that the op is a part of (if available).
string graph_name = 3;

공개 getGraphNameBytes ()

 Name of the graph that the op is a part of (if available).
string graph_name = 3;

공개 문자열 getInputNames (int 인덱스)

 Names of the input tensors to the op.
repeated string input_names = 6;

공개 getInputNamesBytes (int 인덱스)

 Names of the input tensors to the op.
repeated string input_names = 6;

공개 int getInputNamesCount ()

 Names of the input tensors to the op.
repeated string input_names = 6;

공개 getInputNamesList ()

 Names of the input tensors to the op.
repeated string input_names = 6;

공개 int getNumOutputs ()

 Number of output tensors emitted by the op.
int32 num_outputs = 7;

공개 문자열 getOpName ()

 Name of the op (e.g., "Dense/MatMul_1").
string op_name = 2;

공개 getOpNameBytes ()

 Name of the op (e.g., "Dense/MatMul_1").
string op_name = 2;

공개 문자열 getOpType ()

 Type of the op (e.g., "MatMul").
string op_type = 1;

공개 getOpTypeBytes ()

 Type of the op (e.g., "MatMul").
string op_type = 1;

공개 int getOutputTensorIds (int 인덱스)

 Unique IDs for the output tensors of this op.
repeated int32 output_tensor_ids = 9;

공개 int getOutputTensorIdsCount ()

 Unique IDs for the output tensors of this op.
repeated int32 output_tensor_ids = 9;

공개 목록<정수> getOutputTensorIdsList ()

 Unique IDs for the output tensors of this op.
repeated int32 output_tensor_ids = 9;

공개 부울 hasCodeLocation ()

 The unique ID for code location (stack trace) of the op's creation.
.tensorflow.CodeLocation code_location = 8;

공개 최종 부울 isInitialized ()

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder mergeCodeLocation ( CodeLocation 값)

 The unique ID for code location (stack trace) of the op's creation.
.tensorflow.CodeLocation code_location = 8;

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder mergeFrom (기타 메시지)

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder mergeFrom ( 입력, ExtensionRegistry)


공개 최종 GraphOpCreation.Builder mergeUnknownFields ( UnknownFields)

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder setCodeLocation ( CodeLocation 값)

 The unique ID for code location (stack trace) of the op's creation.
.tensorflow.CodeLocation code_location = 8;

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder setCodeLocation ( CodeLocation.Builder builderForValue)

 The unique ID for code location (stack trace) of the op's creation.
.tensorflow.CodeLocation code_location = 8;

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder setDeviceName (문자열 값)

 Name of the device that the op is assigned to (if available).
string device_name = 5;

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder setDeviceNameBytes ( 값)

 Name of the device that the op is assigned to (if available).
string device_name = 5;

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder setField ( 필드, 개체 값)

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder setGraphId (문자열 값)

 Unique ID of the graph (generated by debugger).
 This is the ID of the immediately-enclosing graph.
string graph_id = 4;

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder setGraphIdBytes ( 값)

 Unique ID of the graph (generated by debugger).
 This is the ID of the immediately-enclosing graph.
string graph_id = 4;

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder setGraphName (문자열 값)

 Name of the graph that the op is a part of (if available).
string graph_name = 3;

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder setGraphNameBytes ( 값)

 Name of the graph that the op is a part of (if available).
string graph_name = 3;

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder setInputNames (int 인덱스, 문자열 값)

 Names of the input tensors to the op.
repeated string input_names = 6;

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder setNumOutputs (int 값)

 Number of output tensors emitted by the op.
int32 num_outputs = 7;

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder setOpName (문자열 값)

 Name of the op (e.g., "Dense/MatMul_1").
string op_name = 2;

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder setOpNameBytes ( 값)

 Name of the op (e.g., "Dense/MatMul_1").
string op_name = 2;

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder setOpType (문자열 값)

 Type of the op (e.g., "MatMul").
string op_type = 1;

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder setOpTypeBytes ( 값)

 Type of the op (e.g., "MatMul").
string op_type = 1;

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder setOutputTensorIds (int 인덱스, int 값)

 Unique IDs for the output tensors of this op.
repeated int32 output_tensor_ids = 9;

공개 GraphOpCreation.Builder setRepeatedField ( 필드, int 인덱스, 개체 값)

공개 최종 GraphOpCreation.Builder setUnknownFields (