
antarmuka publik XLineOrBuilder
Subkelas Tidak Langsung yang Diketahui

Metode Publik

abstrak panjang
dapatkanDisplayId ()
 Display id of this line.
Tali abstrak
dapatkan NamaTampilan ()
 Name of this XLine to display in trace viewer.
abstrak com.google.protobuf.ByteString
dapatkanDisplayNameBytes ()
 Name of this XLine to display in trace viewer.
abstrak panjang
dapatkanDurasiPs ()
 Profiling duration for this line in picoseconds.
abstrak XEvent
getEvents (indeks int)
 XEvents within the same XLine should not overlap in time, but they can be
abstrak ke dalam
dapatkanEventsCount ()
 XEvents within the same XLine should not overlap in time, but they can be
Daftar abstrak< XEvent >
dapatkanDaftar Acara ()
 XEvents within the same XLine should not overlap in time, but they can be
abstrak XEventOrBuilder
getEventsOrBuilder (indeks int)
 XEvents within the same XLine should not overlap in time, but they can be
Daftar abstrak<? memperluas XEventOrBuilder >
dapatkanEventsOrBuilderList ()
 XEvents within the same XLine should not overlap in time, but they can be
abstrak panjang
dapatkanId ()
 Id of this line, can be repeated within an XPlane.
Tali abstrak
dapatkan Nama ()
 Name of this XLine.
abstrak com.google.protobuf.ByteString
dapatkanNamaBytes ()
 Name of this XLine.
abstrak panjang
dapatkan Stempel Waktu ()
 Start time of this line in nanoseconds since the UNIX epoch.

Metode Publik

abstrak publik getDisplayId panjang ()

 Display id of this line. Multiple lines with the same display_id are
 grouped together in the same trace viewer row.
int64 display_id = 10;

String abstrak publik getDisplayName ()

 Name of this XLine to display in trace viewer.
string display_name = 11;

abstrak publik com.google.protobuf.ByteString getDisplayNameBytes ()

 Name of this XLine to display in trace viewer.
string display_name = 11;

abstrak publik getDurationPs panjang ()

 Profiling duration for this line in picoseconds.
int64 duration_ps = 9;

abstrak publik XEvent getEvents (indeks int)

 XEvents within the same XLine should not overlap in time, but they can be
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XEvent events = 4;

abstrak publik int getEventsCount ()

 XEvents within the same XLine should not overlap in time, but they can be
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XEvent events = 4;

Daftar abstrak publik< XEvent > getEventsList ()

 XEvents within the same XLine should not overlap in time, but they can be
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XEvent events = 4;

abstrak publik XEventOrBuilder getEventsOrBuilder (int indeks)

 XEvents within the same XLine should not overlap in time, but they can be
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XEvent events = 4;

Daftar abstrak publik<? memperluas XEventOrBuilder > getEventsOrBuilderList ()

 XEvents within the same XLine should not overlap in time, but they can be
repeated .tensorflow.profiler.XEvent events = 4;

getId panjang abstrak publik ()

 Id of this line, can be repeated within an XPlane. All XLines with the
 same id are effectively the same timeline.
int64 id = 1;

abstrak publik String getName ()

 Name of this XLine.
string name = 2;

abstrak publik com.google.protobuf.ByteString getNameBytes ()

 Name of this XLine.
string name = 2;

getTimestampNs panjang abstrak publik ()

 Start time of this line in nanoseconds since the UNIX epoch.
 XEvent.offset_ps is relative to this timestamp.
int64 timestamp_ns = 3;