
الطبقة النهائية العامة الثابتة SavedSlice.Builder

 Saved tensor slice: it stores the name of the tensors, the slice, and the
 raw data.
نوع Protobuf tensorflow.SavedSlice

الأساليب العامة

addRepeatedField (حقل، قيمة الكائن)
شريحة محفوظة
شريحة محفوظة
امسح البيانات ()
 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto.
ClearField (حقل
اسم واضح ()
 Name of the tensor that this slice belongs to.
ClearOneof ( oneof)
شريحة واضحة ()
 Extent of the slice.
احصل على البيانات ()
 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto.
الحصول على البيانات ()
 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto.
getDataOrBuilder ()
 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto.
شريحة محفوظة
النهائي الثابت
الحصول على الاسم ()
 Name of the tensor that this slice belongs to.
الحصول على اسم بايت ()
 Name of the tensor that this slice belongs to.
الحصول على شريحة ()
 Extent of the slice.
الحصول على SliceBuilder ()
 Extent of the slice.
getSliceOrBuilder ()
 Extent of the slice.
لديه بيانات ()
 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto.
شريحة ()
 Extent of the slice.
منطقية نهائية
دمج البيانات (قيمة TensorProto )
 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto.
دمج من ( input، ExtensionRegistry)
دمج من ( أخرى)
دمج شريحة (قيمة TensorSliceProto )
 Extent of the slice.
SavedSlice.Builder النهائي
دمجUnknownFields ( UnknownFields)
setData ( TensorProto.Builder builderForValue)
 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto.
setData (قيمة TensorProto )
 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto.
setField (حقل، قيمة الكائن)
setName (قيمة السلسلة)
 Name of the tensor that this slice belongs to.
setNameBytes (قيمة
 Name of the tensor that this slice belongs to.
setRepeatedField (حقل، فهرس int، قيمة الكائن)
setSlice (قيمة TensorSliceProto )
 Extent of the slice.
سيت سلايس ( TensorSliceProto.Builder builderForValue)
 Extent of the slice.
SavedSlice.Builder النهائي
setUnknownFields ( UnknownFields)

الطرق الموروثة

الأساليب العامة

SavedSlice.Builder public addRepeatedField (حقل، قيمة الكائن)

بناء SavedSlice العام ()

بناء SavedSlice العام الجزئي ()

SavedSlice.Builder العام واضح ()

SavedSlice.Builder العامة ClearData ()

 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto. Only raw data are
 stored (we don't fill in fields such as dtype or tensor_shape).
.tensorflow.TensorProto data = 3;

SavedSlice.Builder ClearField العام (حقل

SavedSlice.Builder العام ClearName ()

 Name of the tensor that this slice belongs to. This must be identical to
 the name used to encode the key for this record.
string name = 1;

SavedSlice.Builder العام ClearOneof ( oneof)

SavedSlice.Builder العامة ClearSlice ()

 Extent of the slice.  Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the
 tensor that this slice belongs to.
.tensorflow.TensorSliceProto slice = 2;

استنساخ SavedSlice.Builder العام ()

TensorProto getData () العامة

 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto. Only raw data are
 stored (we don't fill in fields such as dtype or tensor_shape).
.tensorflow.TensorProto data = 3;

TensorProto.Builder العام getDataBuilder ()

 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto. Only raw data are
 stored (we don't fill in fields such as dtype or tensor_shape).
.tensorflow.TensorProto data = 3;

getDataOrBuilder العامة لـ TensorProtoOrBuilder ()

 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto. Only raw data are
 stored (we don't fill in fields such as dtype or tensor_shape).
.tensorflow.TensorProto data = 3;

SavedSlice العامة getDefaultInstanceForType ()

النهائي العام الثابت getDescriptor () getDescriptorForType () العام

سلسلة getName العامة ()

 Name of the tensor that this slice belongs to. This must be identical to
 the name used to encode the key for this record.
string name = 1; getNameBytes () العام

 Name of the tensor that this slice belongs to. This must be identical to
 the name used to encode the key for this record.
string name = 1;

TensorSliceProto getSlice () العامة

 Extent of the slice.  Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the
 tensor that this slice belongs to.
.tensorflow.TensorSliceProto slice = 2;

TensorSliceProto.Builder العامة getSliceBuilder ()

 Extent of the slice.  Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the
 tensor that this slice belongs to.
.tensorflow.TensorSliceProto slice = 2;

TensorSliceProtoOrBuilder العامة getSliceOrBuilder ()

 Extent of the slice.  Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the
 tensor that this slice belongs to.
.tensorflow.TensorSliceProto slice = 2;

بيانات منطقية عامة ()

 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto. Only raw data are
 stored (we don't fill in fields such as dtype or tensor_shape).
.tensorflow.TensorProto data = 3;

hasSlice () المنطقية العامة

 Extent of the slice.  Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the
 tensor that this slice belongs to.
.tensorflow.TensorSliceProto slice = 2;

تمت تهيئة القيمة المنطقية النهائية العامة ()

بيانات دمج SavedSlice.Builder العامة (قيمة TensorProto )

 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto. Only raw data are
 stored (we don't fill in fields such as dtype or tensor_shape).
.tensorflow.TensorProto data = 3;

SavedSlice.Builder العام mergeFrom ( input, ExtensionRegistry)


SavedSlice.Builder mergeFrom العام ( أخرى)

SavedSlice.Builder mergeSlice العام (قيمة TensorSliceProto )

 Extent of the slice.  Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the
 tensor that this slice belongs to.
.tensorflow.TensorSliceProto slice = 2;

النهائي العام SavedSlice.Builder mergeUnknownFields (

مجموعة SavedSlice.Builder العامة ( TensorProto.Builder builderForValue)

 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto. Only raw data are
 stored (we don't fill in fields such as dtype or tensor_shape).
.tensorflow.TensorProto data = 3;

مجموعة SavedSlice.Builder العامة (قيمة TensorProto )

 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto. Only raw data are
 stored (we don't fill in fields such as dtype or tensor_shape).
.tensorflow.TensorProto data = 3;

SavedSlice.Builder public setField (حقل، قيمة الكائن)

اسم مجموعة SavedSlice.Builder العام (قيمة السلسلة)

 Name of the tensor that this slice belongs to. This must be identical to
 the name used to encode the key for this record.
string name = 1;

مجموعة SavedSlice.Builder العامة NameBytes (قيمة

 Name of the tensor that this slice belongs to. This must be identical to
 the name used to encode the key for this record.
string name = 1;

SavedSlice.Builder العام setRepeatedField (حقل، مؤشر int، قيمة الكائن)

SavedSlice.Builder العامة setSlice (قيمة TensorSliceProto )

 Extent of the slice.  Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the
 tensor that this slice belongs to.
.tensorflow.TensorSliceProto slice = 2;

SavedSlice.Builder setSlice العامة ( TensorSliceProto.Builder builderForValue)

 Extent of the slice.  Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the
 tensor that this slice belongs to.
.tensorflow.TensorSliceProto slice = 2;

النهائي العام SavedSlice.Builder setUnknownFields (