
الواجهة العامة SavedSliceOrBuilder
الفئات الفرعية غير المباشرة المعروفة

الأساليب العامة

مجردة TensorProto
احصل على البيانات ()
 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto.
مجردة TensorProtoOrBuilder
getDataOrBuilder ()
 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto.
سلسلة مجردة
الحصول على الاسم ()
 Name of the tensor that this slice belongs to.
الحصول على اسم بايت ()
 Name of the tensor that this slice belongs to.
مجردة TensorSliceProto
الحصول على شريحة ()
 Extent of the slice.
مجردة TensorSliceProtoOrBuilder
getSliceOrBuilder ()
 Extent of the slice.
منطقية مجردة
لديه بيانات ()
 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto.
منطقية مجردة
شريحة ()
 Extent of the slice.

الأساليب العامة

الملخص العام TensorProto getData ()

 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto. Only raw data are
 stored (we don't fill in fields such as dtype or tensor_shape).
.tensorflow.TensorProto data = 3;

الملخص العام TensorProtoOrBuilder getDataOrBuilder ()

 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto. Only raw data are
 stored (we don't fill in fields such as dtype or tensor_shape).
.tensorflow.TensorProto data = 3;

سلسلة getName () مجردة عامة

 Name of the tensor that this slice belongs to. This must be identical to
 the name used to encode the key for this record.
string name = 1;

الملخص العام getNameBytes ()

 Name of the tensor that this slice belongs to. This must be identical to
 the name used to encode the key for this record.
string name = 1;

الملخص العام TensorSliceProto getSlice ()

 Extent of the slice.  Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the
 tensor that this slice belongs to.
.tensorflow.TensorSliceProto slice = 2;

الملخص العام TensorSliceProtoOrBuilder getSliceOrBuilder ()

 Extent of the slice.  Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the
 tensor that this slice belongs to.
.tensorflow.TensorSliceProto slice = 2;

hasData المنطقية العامة المجردة ()

 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto. Only raw data are
 stored (we don't fill in fields such as dtype or tensor_shape).
.tensorflow.TensorProto data = 3;

الملخص المنطقي العام hasSlice ()

 Extent of the slice.  Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the
 tensor that this slice belongs to.
.tensorflow.TensorSliceProto slice = 2;