
सार्वजनिक स्थैतिक अंतिम वर्ग SavedTensorSlices.Builder

 Each record in a v3 checkpoint file is a serialized SavedTensorSlices
प्रोटोबफ़ प्रकार tensorflow.SavedTensorSlices

सार्वजनिक तरीके

addRepeatedField ( फ़ील्ड, ऑब्जेक्ट मान)
स्पष्ट डेटा ()
 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
क्लियरफ़ील्ड ( फ़ील्ड)
क्लीयरमेटा ()
 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
ClearOneof ( oneof)
डेटा प्राप्त करें ()
 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
getDataBuilder ()
 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
getDataOrBuilder ()
 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
अंतिम स्थिर
गेटमेटा ()
 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
गेटमेटाबिल्डर ()
 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
getMetaOrBuilder ()
 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
हैडेटा ()
 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
हैमेटा ()
 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
अंतिम बूलियन
मर्जडेटा ( सेव्डस्लाइस मान)
 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
मर्जफ्रॉम ( इनपुट, एक्सटेंशनरजिस्ट्री)
मर्जफ्रॉम ( अन्य)
मर्जमेटा ( सेव्डटेन्सरस्लाइसमेटा मान)
 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
अंतिम SavedTensorSlices.Builder
मर्जअज्ञातफ़ील्ड्स ( अज्ञातफ़ील्ड्स)
सेटडेटा ( सेव्डस्लाइस मान)
 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
सेटडेटा ( सेव्डस्लाइस.बिल्डर बिल्डरफॉरवैल्यू)
 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
सेटफ़ील्ड ( फ़ील्ड, ऑब्जेक्ट मान)
सेटमेटा ( सेव्डटेन्सरस्लाइसमेटा मान)
 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
सेटमेटा ( सेव्डटेन्सरस्लाइसमेटा.बिल्डर बिल्डरफॉरवैल्यू)
 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
setRepeatedField ( फ़ील्ड, इंट इंडेक्स, ऑब्जेक्ट वैल्यू)
अंतिम SavedTensorSlices.Builder
अज्ञात फ़ील्ड सेट करें ( अज्ञात फ़ील्ड सेट अज्ञात फ़ील्ड)

विरासत में मिली विधियाँ

सार्वजनिक तरीके

सार्वजनिक SavedTensorSlices.Builder addRepeatedField ( फ़ील्ड, ऑब्जेक्ट मान)

सार्वजनिक SavedTensorSlices बिल्ड ()

सार्वजनिक SavedTensorSlices बिल्डआंशिक ()

सार्वजनिक SavedTensorSlices.Builder स्पष्ट ()

सार्वजनिक SavedTensorSlices.Builder ClearData ()

 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
.tensorflow.SavedSlice data = 2;

सार्वजनिक SavedTensorSlices.Builder ClearField ( फ़ील्ड)

सार्वजनिक SavedTensorSlices.Builder ClearMeta ()

 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
.tensorflow.SavedTensorSliceMeta meta = 1;

सार्वजनिक SavedTensorSlices.Builder ClearOneof ( oneof)

सार्वजनिक SavedTensorSlices.Builder क्लोन ()

सार्वजनिक सेव्डस्लाइस गेटडेटा ()

 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
.tensorflow.SavedSlice data = 2;

सार्वजनिक SavedSlice.Builder getDataBuilder ()

 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
.tensorflow.SavedSlice data = 2;

सार्वजनिक SavedSliceOrBuilder getDataOrBuilder ()

 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
.tensorflow.SavedSlice data = 2;

सार्वजनिक SavedTensorSlices getDefaultInstanceForType ()

सार्वजनिक स्थैतिक अंतिम getDescriptor ()

सार्वजनिक getDescriptorForType ()

सार्वजनिक SavedTensorSliceMeta getMeta ()

 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
.tensorflow.SavedTensorSliceMeta meta = 1;

सार्वजनिक SavedTensorSliceMeta.Builder getMetaBuilder ()

 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
.tensorflow.SavedTensorSliceMeta meta = 1;

सार्वजनिक SavedTensorSliceMetaOrBuilder getMetaOrBuilder ()

 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
.tensorflow.SavedTensorSliceMeta meta = 1;

सार्वजनिक बूलियन hasData ()

 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
.tensorflow.SavedSlice data = 2;

सार्वजनिक बूलियन हैमेटा ()

 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
.tensorflow.SavedTensorSliceMeta meta = 1;

सार्वजनिक अंतिम बूलियन आरंभीकृत है ()

सार्वजनिक SavedTensorSlices.Builder mergeData ( SaveSlice मान)

 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
.tensorflow.SavedSlice data = 2;

सार्वजनिक SavedTensorSlices.Builder mergeFrom ( इनपुट, एक्सटेंशनरजिस्ट्री)

आईओ अपवाद

सार्वजनिक SavedTensorSlices.Builder mergeFrom ( अन्य)

सार्वजनिक SavedTensorSlices.Builder mergeMeta ( SavedTensorSliceMeta मान)

 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
.tensorflow.SavedTensorSliceMeta meta = 1;

सार्वजनिक अंतिम SavedTensorSlices.Builder mergeUnknownFields ( अज्ञातफील्ड्स)

सार्वजनिक SavedTensorSlices.Builder setData ( SaveSlice मान)

 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
.tensorflow.SavedSlice data = 2;

सार्वजनिक SavedTensorSlices.Builder setData ( SavedSlice.Builder BuilderForValue)

 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
.tensorflow.SavedSlice data = 2;

सार्वजनिक SavedTensorSlices.Builder setField ( फ़ील्ड, ऑब्जेक्ट मान)

सार्वजनिक SavedTensorSlices.Builder setMeta ( SavedTensorSliceMeta मान)

 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
.tensorflow.SavedTensorSliceMeta meta = 1;

सार्वजनिक SavedTensorSlices.Builder setMeta ( SavedTensorSliceMeta.Builder BuilderForValue)

 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
.tensorflow.SavedTensorSliceMeta meta = 1;

सार्वजनिक SavedTensorSlices.Builder setRepeatedField ( फ़ील्ड, इंट इंडेक्स, ऑब्जेक्ट वैल्यू)

सार्वजनिक अंतिम SavedTensorSlices.Builder setUnknownFields (