
lớp cuối cùng tĩnh công khai SavingTensorSlices.Builder

 Each record in a v3 checkpoint file is a serialized SavedTensorSlices
tensorflow.SavedTensorSlices loại Protobuf.SavedTensorSlices

Phương pháp công khai

Đã lưuTensorSlices.Builder
addRepeatedField (trường, Giá trị đối tượng)
Đã lưuTensorSlices
Đã lưuTensorSlices
Đã lưuTensorSlices.Builder
Đã lưuTensorSlices.Builder
xóa dữ liệu ()
 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
Đã lưuTensorSlices.Builder
ClearField (trường
Đã lưuTensorSlices.Builder
ClearMeta ()
 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
Đã lưuTensorSlices.Builder
clearOneof ( oneof)
Đã lưuTensorSlices.Builder
Đã lưuLát
lấy dữ liệu ()
 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
Đã lưuSlice.Builder
getDataBuilder ()
 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
Đã lưuSliceHoặcBuilder
getDataOrBuilder ()
 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
Đã lưuTensorSlices tĩnh cuối cùng
Đã lưu TensorSliceMeta
getMeta ()
 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
Đã lưuTensorSliceMeta.Builder
getMetaBuilder ()
 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
Đã lưuTensorSliceMetaOrBuilder
getMetaOrBuilder ()
 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
hasData ()
 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
hasMeta ()
 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
boolean cuối cùng
Đã lưuTensorSlices.Builder
mergeData (giá trị SavingSlice )
 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
Đã lưuTensorSlices.Builder
mergeFrom (đầu vào, ExtensionRegistry)
Đã lưuTensorSlices.Builder
mergeFrom ( other)
Đã lưuTensorSlices.Builder
mergeMeta (giá trị SavingTensorSliceMeta )
 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
cuối cùng đã lưuTensorSlices.Builder
hợp nhấtUnknownFields ( knownFields)
Đã lưuTensorSlices.Builder
setData (giá trị SavingSlice )
 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
Đã lưuTensorSlices.Builder
setData ( SavedSlice.Builder builderForValue)
 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
Đã lưuTensorSlices.Builder
setField (trường, Giá trị đối tượng)
Đã lưuTensorSlices.Builder
setMeta (giá trị SavingTensorSliceMeta )
 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
Đã lưuTensorSlices.Builder
setMeta ( SavedTensorSliceMeta.Builder builderForValue)
 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
Đã lưuTensorSlices.Builder
setRepeatedField (trường, chỉ mục int, giá trị đối tượng)
cuối cùng đã lưuTensorSlices.Builder
setUnknownFields ( knownFields)

Phương pháp kế thừa

Phương pháp công khai

công khai SavedTensorSlices.Builder addRepeatedField (trường, Giá trị đối tượng)

Bản dựng công khai SavingTensorSlices ()

public SavedTensorSlices buildPartial ()

công khai SavingTensorSlices.Builder rõ ràng ()

public SavingTensorSlices.Builder clearData ()

 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
.tensorflow.SavedSlice data = 2;

công khai SavedTensorSlices.Builder clearField (trường

công khai SavingTensorSlices.Builder clearMeta ()

 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
.tensorflow.SavedTensorSliceMeta meta = 1;

công khai đã lưuTensorSlices.Builder clearOneof ( oneof)

bản sao công khai SavingTensorSlices.Builder ()

công khai SavedSlice getData ()

 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
.tensorflow.SavedSlice data = 2;

công khai SavedSlice.Builder getDataBuilder ()

 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
.tensorflow.SavedSlice data = 2;

công khai SavedSliceOrBuilder getDataOrBuilder ()

 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
.tensorflow.SavedSlice data = 2;

công khai SavedTensorSlices getDefaultInstanceForType ()

công khai tĩnh cuối cùng getDescriptor () công khai getDescriptorForType ()

đã lưu công khaiTensorSliceMeta getMeta ()

 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
.tensorflow.SavedTensorSliceMeta meta = 1;

đã lưu công khaiTensorSliceMeta.Builder getMetaBuilder ()

 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
.tensorflow.SavedTensorSliceMeta meta = 1;

đã lưu công khaiTensorSliceMetaOrBuilder getMetaOrBuilder ()

 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
.tensorflow.SavedTensorSliceMeta meta = 1;

boolean công khai hasData ()

 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
.tensorflow.SavedSlice data = 2;

boolean công khai hasMeta ()

 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
.tensorflow.SavedTensorSliceMeta meta = 1;

boolean cuối cùng công khai được khởi tạo ()

public SavingTensorSlices.Builder mergeData (giá trị SavedSlice )

 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
.tensorflow.SavedSlice data = 2;

công khai SavedTensorSlices.Builder mergeFrom (đầu vào, ExtensionRegistry)


công khai đã lưuTensorSlices.Builder mergeFrom ( other)

công khai SavingTensorSlices.Builder mergeMeta (giá trị SavedTensorSliceMeta )

 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
.tensorflow.SavedTensorSliceMeta meta = 1;

trận chung kết công khai SavedTensorSlices.Builder mergeUnknownFields ( knownFields)

public SavingTensorSlices.Builder setData (giá trị SavedSlice )

 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
.tensorflow.SavedSlice data = 2;

công khai SavedTensorSlices.Builder setData ( SavingSlice.Builder builderForValue)

 This exists in all but the first item of each checkpoint file.
.tensorflow.SavedSlice data = 2;

công khai SavingTensorSlices.Builder setField (trường, Giá trị đối tượng)

công khai SavingTensorSlices.Builder setMeta (giá trị SavingTensorSliceMeta )

 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
.tensorflow.SavedTensorSliceMeta meta = 1;

công khai SavingTensorSlices.Builder setMeta ( SavedTensorSliceMeta.Builder builderForValue)

 This is only present at the first item of each checkpoint file and serves
 as a table of contents, listing all the tensor slices saved in this file.
.tensorflow.SavedTensorSliceMeta meta = 1;

công khai SavingTensorSlices.Builder setRepeatedField (trường, chỉ mục int, giá trị đối tượng)

trận chung kết công khai SavingTensorSlices.Builder setUnknownFields ( knownFields)