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Các lớp học

BinTóm tắt Protobuf loại tensorflow.BinSummary
BinSummary.Builder Protobuf loại tensorflow.BinSummary
 Describes the metadata related to a checkpointed tensor. 
 Describes the metadata related to a checkpointed tensor. 
GóiTiêu đềProto
 Special header that is associated with a bundle. 
 Special header that is associated with a bundle. 
MãVị trí
 Code location information: A stack trace with host-name information. 
 Code location information: A stack trace with host-name information. 
Sự kiện gỡ lỗi
 An Event related to the debugging of a TensorFlow program. 
Gỡ lỗiEvent.Builder
 An Event related to the debugging of a TensorFlow program. 
Gỡ lỗiSự kiệnProtos
Đã gỡ lỗi thiết bị
 A device on which ops and/or tensors are instrumented by the debugger. 
 A device on which ops and/or tensors are instrumented by the debugger. 
Đồ thị gỡ lỗi
 A debugger-instrumented graph. 
 A debugger-instrumented graph. 
Gỡ lỗiSiêu dữ liệu
 Metadata about the debugger and the debugged TensorFlow program. 
Gỡ lỗiMetadata.Builder
 Metadata about the debugger and the debugged TensorFlow program. 
Sự kiện
 Protocol buffer representing an event that happened during
 the execution of a Brain model. 
Sự kiện.Builder
 Protocol buffer representing an event that happened during
 the execution of a Brain model. 
Sự kiệnProtos
Chấp hành
 Data relating to the eager execution of an op or a Graph. 
Thi hành.Builder
 Data relating to the eager execution of an op or a Graph. 
Đồ thịThực thiDấu vết
 Data relating to an execution of a Graph (e.g., an eager execution of a
 Data relating to an execution of a Graph (e.g., an eager execution of a
 The creation of an op in a TensorFlow Graph (e.g., FuncGraph in TF2). 
 The creation of an op in a TensorFlow Graph (e.g., FuncGraph in TF2). 
Tin nhắn nhật ký
 Protocol buffer used for logging messages to the events file. 
 Protocol buffer used for logging messages to the events file. 
Thống kê MemAllocator
 Some of the data from AllocatorStats
Tenorflow loại tensorflow.MemAllocatorStats
 Some of the data from AllocatorStats
Tenorflow loại tensorflow.MemAllocatorStats
MemChunk Protobuf loại tensorflow.MemChunk
MemChunk.Builder Protobuf loại tensorflow.MemChunk
MemmapedFileSystemThư mục
 A directory of regions in a memmapped file. 
 A directory of regions in a memmapped file. 
 A message that describes one region of memmapped file. 
 A message that describes one region of memmapped file. 
Bộ nhớDump Protobuf loại tensorflow.MemoryDump
MemoryDump.Builder Protobuf loại tensorflow.MemoryDump
Mã thoát được yêu cầu Protobuf loại tensorflow.RequestedExitCode
Đã yêu cầuExitCode.Builder Protobuf loại tensorflow.RequestedExitCode
Đã lưuLát
 Saved tensor slice: it stores the name of the tensors, the slice, and the
 raw data. 
Đã lưuSlice.Builder
 Saved tensor slice: it stores the name of the tensors, the slice, and the
 raw data. 
Đã lưuLátMeta
 Metadata describing the set of slices of the same tensor saved in a
 checkpoint file. 
Đã lưuSliceMeta.Builder
 Metadata describing the set of slices of the same tensor saved in a
 checkpoint file. 
Đã lưu TensorSliceMeta
 Metadata describing the set of tensor slices saved in a checkpoint file. 
Đã lưuTensorSliceMeta.Builder
 Metadata describing the set of tensor slices saved in a checkpoint file. 
Đã lưuTensorSliceProtos
Đã lưuTensorSlices
 Each record in a v3 checkpoint file is a serialized SavedTensorSlices
Đã lưuTensorSlices.Builder
 Each record in a v3 checkpoint file is a serialized SavedTensorSlices
 Protocol buffer representing the configuration of a Saver. 
 Protocol buffer representing the configuration of a Saver. 
Nhật ký phiên
 Protocol buffer used for logging session state. 
 Protocol buffer used for logging session state. 
Ảnh chụp nhanh Protobuf loại tensorflow.SnapShot
SnapShot.Builder Protobuf loại tensorflow.SnapShot
Tệp nguồn
 Content of a source file involved in the execution of the debugged TensorFlow
 Content of a source file involved in the execution of the debugged TensorFlow
 A stack frame with ID. 
 A stack frame with ID. 
Được gắn thẻChạySiêu dữ liệu
 For logging the metadata output for a single call. 
Được gắn thẻRunMetadata.Builder
 For logging the metadata output for a single call. 
WatchdogConfig Protobuf loại tensorflow.WatchdogConfig
WatchdogConfig.Builder Protobuf loại tensorflow.WatchdogConfig
Công nhânNhịp timYêu cầu Protobuf loại tensorflow.WorkerHeartbeatRequest
WorkerHeartbeatRequest.Builder Protobuf loại tensorflow.WorkerHeartbeatRequest
Công NhânNhịp TimPhản Hồi Protobuf loại tensorflow.WorkerHeartbeatResponse
WorkerHeartbeatResponse.Builder Protobuf loại tensorflow.WorkerHeartbeatResponse


 An enum indicating the endianness of the platform that produced this
Gỡ lỗiEvent.WhatCase
Sự kiện.WhatCase
LogMessage.Level Protobuf enum tensorflow.LogMessage.Level
 A version number that identifies a different on-disk checkpoint format. 
SessionLog.SessionStatus Protobuf enum tensorflow.SessionLog.SessionStatus
Chế độ gỡ lỗi Tensor
 Available modes for extracting debugging information from a Tensor. 
sức khỏe công nhân
 Current health status of a worker. 
Chế độ tắt máy của công nhân
 Indicates the behavior of the worker when an internal error or shutdown
 signal is received.