
TestResults.Builder kelas akhir statis publik

 The output of one benchmark / test run.  Each run contains a list of
 tests or benchmarks, stored as BenchmarkEntry messages.
 This message should be emitted by the reporter (which runs the
 test / BM in a subprocess and then reads the emitted BenchmarkEntry messages;
 usually from a serialized json file, finally collecting them along
 with additional information about the test run.
Protobuf tipe tensorflow.TestResults

Metode Publik

Hasil Tes.Pembangun
addRepeatedField (bidang com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, Nilai objek)
Hasil tes
Hasil tes
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
jernih ()
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
hapusJenis Tolok Ukur ()
.tensorflow.TestResults.BenchmarkType benchmark_type = 10;
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
hapusBuildConfiguration ()
 The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?)
.tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3;
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
jelasCommitId ()
 The commit id (git hash or changelist)
.tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4;
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
hapusEntri ()
 The list of tests or benchmarks in this run.
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
clearField (bidang com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor)
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
clearMachineConfiguration ()
 Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info)
.tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7;
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
nama jelas ()
 Benchmark target identifier.
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
clearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof)
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
hapusJalankanKonfigurasi ()
 Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc)
.tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8;
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
hapusRunMode ()
 Used for differentiating between continuous and debug builds.
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
hapusWaktu Berjalan ()
 The amount of time the total run took (wall time in seconds)
double run_time = 6;
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
hapusWaktu Mulai ()
 The time the run started (in seconds of UTC time since Unix epoch)
int64 start_time = 5;
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
hapus Target ()
 The target of the run, e.g.:
string target = 1;
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
hapusTfVersion ()
 TensorFlow version this benchmark runs against.
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
klon ()
Hasil Tes.Tipe Benchmark
dapatkanJenis Benchmark ()
.tensorflow.TestResults.BenchmarkType benchmark_type = 10;
ke dalam
dapatkanBenchmarkTypeValue ()
.tensorflow.TestResults.BenchmarkType benchmark_type = 10;
Konfigurasi Bangun
dapatkanBuildConfiguration ()
 The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?)
.tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3;
getBuildConfigurationBuilder ()
 The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?)
.tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3;
getBuildConfigurationOrBuilder ()
 The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?)
.tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3;
Id Komit
dapatkanCommitId ()
 The commit id (git hash or changelist)
.tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4;
dapatkanCommitIdBuilder ()
 The commit id (git hash or changelist)
.tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4;
dapatkanCommitIdOrBuilder ()
 The commit id (git hash or changelist)
.tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4;
Hasil tes
com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor statis terakhir
Entri Tolok Ukur
dapatkan Entri ()
 The list of tests or benchmarks in this run.
dapatkanEntriesBuilder ()
 The list of tests or benchmarks in this run.
dapatkanEntriesOrBuilder ()
 The list of tests or benchmarks in this run.
Konfigurasi Mesin
dapatkan Konfigurasi Mesin ()
 Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info)
.tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7;
Konfigurasi Mesin.Pembangun
dapatkanMachineConfigurationBuilder ()
 Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info)
.tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7;
Konfigurasi MesinOrBuilder
dapatkanMachineConfigurationOrBuilder ()
 Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info)
.tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7;
dapatkan Nama ()
 Benchmark target identifier.
dapatkanNamaBytes ()
 Benchmark target identifier.
Jalankan Konfigurasi
getRunConfiguration ()
 Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc)
.tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8;
getRunConfigurationBuilder ()
 Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc)
.tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8;
getRunConfigurationOrBuilder ()
 Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc)
.tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8;
dapatkanRunMode ()
 Used for differentiating between continuous and debug builds.
dapatkanRunModeBytes ()
 Used for differentiating between continuous and debug builds.
dapatkan RunTime ()
 The amount of time the total run took (wall time in seconds)
double run_time = 6;
dapatkan Waktu Mulai ()
 The time the run started (in seconds of UTC time since Unix epoch)
int64 start_time = 5;
dapatkan Target ()
 The target of the run, e.g.:
string target = 1;
dapatkanTargetBytes ()
 The target of the run, e.g.:
string target = 1;
dapatkan Versi Tf ()
 TensorFlow version this benchmark runs against.
dapatkanTfVersionBytes ()
 TensorFlow version this benchmark runs against.
hasBuildConfiguration ()
 The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?)
.tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3;
hasCommitId ()
 The commit id (git hash or changelist)
.tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4;
memiliki Entri ()
 The list of tests or benchmarks in this run.
hasMachineConfiguration ()
 Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info)
.tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7;
hasRunConfiguration ()
 Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc)
.tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8;
boolean terakhir
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
mergeBuildConfiguration (nilai BuildConfiguration )
 The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?)
.tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3;
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
mergeCommitId (nilai CommitId )
 The commit id (git hash or changelist)
.tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4;
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
mergeEntries (nilai BenchmarkEntries )
 The list of tests or benchmarks in this run.
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.Pesan lainnya)
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream masukan, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
mergeMachineConfiguration ( nilai Konfigurasi Mesin )
 Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info)
.tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7;
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
mergeRunConfiguration (nilai RunConfiguration )
 Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc)
.tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8;
Hasil Tes akhir.Builder
mergeUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet unknownFields)
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
setBenchmarkType (nilai TestResults.BenchmarkType )
.tensorflow.TestResults.BenchmarkType benchmark_type = 10;
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
setBenchmarkTypeValue (nilai int)
.tensorflow.TestResults.BenchmarkType benchmark_type = 10;
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
setBuildConfiguration ( BuildConfiguration.Pembuat pembangunForValue)
 The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?)
.tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3;
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
setBuildConfiguration (nilai BuildConfiguration )
 The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?)
.tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3;
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
setCommitId ( CommitId.Pembuat pembangunForValue)
 The commit id (git hash or changelist)
.tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4;
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
setCommitId (nilai CommitId )
 The commit id (git hash or changelist)
.tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4;
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
setEntries ( BenchmarkEntries.Pembuat pembangunForValue)
 The list of tests or benchmarks in this run.
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
setEntries (nilai BenchmarkEntries )
 The list of tests or benchmarks in this run.
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
setField (bidang com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, Nilai objek)
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
setMachineConfiguration ( MachineConfiguration.Builder pembangunForValue)
 Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info)
.tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7;
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
setMachineConfiguration ( nilai Konfigurasi Mesin )
 Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info)
.tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7;
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
setName (Nilai string)
 Benchmark target identifier.
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
setNameBytes (nilai com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
 Benchmark target identifier.
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
setRepeatedField (bidang com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, indeks int, Nilai objek)
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
setRunConfiguration (nilai RunConfiguration )
 Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc)
.tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8;
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
setRunConfiguration ( RunConfiguration.Builder pembangunForValue)
 Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc)
.tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8;
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
setRunMode (Nilai string)
 Used for differentiating between continuous and debug builds.
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
setRunModeBytes (nilai com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
 Used for differentiating between continuous and debug builds.
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
setRunTime (nilai ganda)
 The amount of time the total run took (wall time in seconds)
double run_time = 6;
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
setStartTime (nilai panjang)
 The time the run started (in seconds of UTC time since Unix epoch)
int64 start_time = 5;
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
setTarget (Nilai string)
target string
 The target of the run, e.g.:
string target = 1;
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
setTargetBytes (nilai com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
 The target of the run, e.g.:
string target = 1;
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
setTfVersion (Nilai string)
 TensorFlow version this benchmark runs against.
Hasil Tes.Pembangun
setTfVersionBytes (nilai com.google.protobuf.ByteString)
 TensorFlow version this benchmark runs against.
Hasil Tes akhir.Builder
setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet unknownFields)

Metode Warisan

Metode Publik

public TestResults.Builder addRepeatedField (bidang com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, Nilai objek)

build Hasil Tes publik ()

Hasil Tes publik buildPartial ()

Hasil Tes publik.Pembangun jelas ()

Hasil Tes publik.Builder clearBenchmarkType ()

.tensorflow.TestResults.BenchmarkType benchmark_type = 10;

publik TestResults.Builder clearBuildConfiguration ()

 The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?)
.tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3;

publik TestResults.Builder clearCommitId ()

 The commit id (git hash or changelist)
.tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4;

Hasil Tes publik.Builder clearEntries ()

 The list of tests or benchmarks in this run.
.tensorflow.BenchmarkEntries entries = 2;

TestResults.Builder clearField publik (bidang com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor)

Hasil Tes publik.Builder clearMachineConfiguration ()

 Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info)
.tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7;

Hasil Tes publik.Builder clearName ()

 Benchmark target identifier.
string name = 9;

Hasil Tes publik.Builder clearOneof (com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.OneofDescriptor oneof)

publik TestResults.Builder clearRunConfiguration ()

 Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc)
.tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8;

Hasil Tes publik.Builder clearRunMode ()

 Used for differentiating between continuous and debug builds.
 Must be one of:
 * cbuild: results from continuous build.
 * presubmit: results from oneshot requests.
 * culprit: results from culprit finder rerun.
string run_mode = 11;

Hasil Tes publik.Builder clearRunTime ()

 The amount of time the total run took (wall time in seconds)
double run_time = 6;

Hasil Tes publik.Pembangun clearStartTime ()

 The time the run started (in seconds of UTC time since Unix epoch)
int64 start_time = 5;

Hasil Tes publik.Builder clearTarget ()

 The target of the run, e.g.:
string target = 1;

Hasil Tes publik.Builder clearTfVersion ()

 TensorFlow version this benchmark runs against.
 This can be either set to full version or just the major version.
string tf_version = 12;

Klon TestResults.Builder publik ()

Hasil Tes publik.BenchmarkType getBenchmarkType ()

.tensorflow.TestResults.BenchmarkType benchmark_type = 10;

publik int getBenchmarkTypeValue ()

.tensorflow.TestResults.BenchmarkType benchmark_type = 10;

BuildConfiguration publik getBuildConfiguration ()

 The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?)
.tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3;

BuildConfiguration.Builder publik getBuildConfigurationBuilder ()

 The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?)
.tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3;

BuildConfigurationOrBuilder publik getBuildConfigurationOrBuilder ()

 The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?)
.tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3;

CommitId publik getCommitId ()

 The commit id (git hash or changelist)
.tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4;

CommitId.Builder publik getCommitIdBuilder ()

 The commit id (git hash or changelist)
.tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4;

CommitIdOrBuilder publik getCommitIdOrBuilder ()

 The commit id (git hash or changelist)
.tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4;

Hasil Tes publik getDefaultInstanceForType ()

public static final com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor getDescriptor ()

com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.Descriptor publik getDescriptorForType ()

BenchmarkEntries publik getEntries ()

 The list of tests or benchmarks in this run.
.tensorflow.BenchmarkEntries entries = 2;

BenchmarkEntries.Builder publik getEntriesBuilder ()

 The list of tests or benchmarks in this run.
.tensorflow.BenchmarkEntries entries = 2;

BenchmarkEntriesOrBuilder publik getEntriesOrBuilder ()

 The list of tests or benchmarks in this run.
.tensorflow.BenchmarkEntries entries = 2;

Konfigurasi Mesin publik getMachineConfiguration ()

 Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info)
.tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7;

MachineConfiguration.Builder publik getMachineConfigurationBuilder ()

 Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info)
.tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7;

MachineConfigurationOrBuilder publik getMachineConfigurationOrBuilder ()

 Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info)
.tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7;

GetName String publik ()

 Benchmark target identifier.
string name = 9;

publik com.google.protobuf.ByteString getNameBytes ()

 Benchmark target identifier.
string name = 9;

RunConfiguration publik getRunConfiguration ()

 Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc)
.tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8;

RunConfiguration.Builder publik getRunConfigurationBuilder ()

 Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc)
.tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8;

RunConfigurationOrBuilder publik getRunConfigurationOrBuilder ()

 Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc)
.tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8;

String publik getRunMode ()

 Used for differentiating between continuous and debug builds.
 Must be one of:
 * cbuild: results from continuous build.
 * presubmit: results from oneshot requests.
 * culprit: results from culprit finder rerun.
string run_mode = 11;

publik com.google.protobuf.ByteString getRunModeBytes ()

 Used for differentiating between continuous and debug builds.
 Must be one of:
 * cbuild: results from continuous build.
 * presubmit: results from oneshot requests.
 * culprit: results from culprit finder rerun.
string run_mode = 11;

getRunTime ganda publik ()

 The amount of time the total run took (wall time in seconds)
double run_time = 6;

getStartTime panjang publik ()

 The time the run started (in seconds of UTC time since Unix epoch)
int64 start_time = 5;

GetTarget String publik ()

 The target of the run, e.g.:
string target = 1;

com.google.protobuf.ByteString publik getTargetBytes ()

 The target of the run, e.g.:
string target = 1;

String publik getTfVersion ()

 TensorFlow version this benchmark runs against.
 This can be either set to full version or just the major version.
string tf_version = 12;

com.google.protobuf.ByteString publik getTfVersionBytes ()

 TensorFlow version this benchmark runs against.
 This can be either set to full version or just the major version.
string tf_version = 12;

boolean publik hasBuildConfiguration ()

 The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?)
.tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3;

boolean publik hasCommitId ()

 The commit id (git hash or changelist)
.tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4;

hasEntries boolean publik ()

 The list of tests or benchmarks in this run.
.tensorflow.BenchmarkEntries entries = 2;

boolean publik hasMachineConfiguration ()

 Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info)
.tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7;

boolean publik hasRunConfiguration ()

 Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc)
.tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8;

boolean akhir publik diinisialisasi ()

TestResults.Builder mergeBuildConfiguration publik (nilai BuildConfiguration )

 The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?)
.tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3;

TestResults.Builder mergeCommitId publik (nilai CommitId )

 The commit id (git hash or changelist)
.tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4;

TestResults.Builder mergeEntries (nilai BenchmarkEntries ) publik

 The list of tests or benchmarks in this run.
.tensorflow.BenchmarkEntries entries = 2;

TestResults.Builder mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.Message lainnya) publik

TestResults.Builder mergeFrom (com.google.protobuf.CodedInputStream input, com.google.protobuf.ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)

Pengecualian IO

TestResults.Builder mergeMachineConfiguration publik (nilai MachineConfiguration )

 Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info)
.tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7;

TestResults.Builder mergeRunConfiguration publik (nilai RunConfiguration )

 Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc)
.tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8;

Hasil Tes akhir publik.Builder menggabungkanUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet unknownFields)

publik TestResults.Builder setBenchmarkType (nilai TestResults.BenchmarkType )

.tensorflow.TestResults.BenchmarkType benchmark_type = 10;

TestResults.Builder setBenchmarkTypeValue publik (nilai int)

.tensorflow.TestResults.BenchmarkType benchmark_type = 10;

TestResults.Builder setBuildConfiguration publik ( BuildConfiguration.Builder builderForValue)

 The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?)
.tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3;

TestResults.Builder setBuildConfiguration publik (nilai BuildConfiguration )

 The configuration of the build (compiled opt? with cuda? any copts?)
.tensorflow.BuildConfiguration build_configuration = 3;

TestResults.Builder setCommitId publik ( CommitId.Builder builderForValue)

 The commit id (git hash or changelist)
.tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4;

TestResults.Builder setCommitId publik (nilai CommitId )

 The commit id (git hash or changelist)
.tensorflow.CommitId commit_id = 4;

TestResults.Builder setEntries ( BenchmarkEntries.Builder builderForValue) publik

 The list of tests or benchmarks in this run.
.tensorflow.BenchmarkEntries entries = 2;

TestResults.Builder setEntries publik (nilai BenchmarkEntries )

 The list of tests or benchmarks in this run.
.tensorflow.BenchmarkEntries entries = 2;

public TestResults.Builder setField (bidang com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, Nilai objek)

TestResults.Builder setMachineConfiguration publik ( MachineConfiguration.Builder builderForValue)

 Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info)
.tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7;

TestResults.Builder setMachineConfiguration publik (nilai MachineConfiguration )

 Machine-specific parameters (Platform and CPU info)
.tensorflow.MachineConfiguration machine_configuration = 7;

TestResults.Builder setName publik (Nilai string)

 Benchmark target identifier.
string name = 9;

TestResults.Builder setNameBytes publik (nilai com.google.protobuf.ByteString)

 Benchmark target identifier.
string name = 9;

public TestResults.Builder setRepeatedField (bidang com.google.protobuf.Descriptors.FieldDescriptor, indeks int, Nilai objek)

TestResults.Builder setRunConfiguration publik (nilai RunConfiguration )

 Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc)
.tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8;

TestResults.Builder setRunConfiguration publik ( RunConfiguration.Builder builderForValue)

 Run-specific parameters (arguments, etc)
.tensorflow.RunConfiguration run_configuration = 8;

TestResults.Builder setRunMode publik (Nilai string)

 Used for differentiating between continuous and debug builds.
 Must be one of:
 * cbuild: results from continuous build.
 * presubmit: results from oneshot requests.
 * culprit: results from culprit finder rerun.
string run_mode = 11;

TestResults.Builder publik setRunModeBytes (nilai com.google.protobuf.ByteString)

 Used for differentiating between continuous and debug builds.
 Must be one of:
 * cbuild: results from continuous build.
 * presubmit: results from oneshot requests.
 * culprit: results from culprit finder rerun.
string run_mode = 11;

public TestResults.Builder setRunTime (nilai ganda)

 The amount of time the total run took (wall time in seconds)
double run_time = 6;

public TestResults.Builder setStartTime (nilai panjang)

 The time the run started (in seconds of UTC time since Unix epoch)
int64 start_time = 5;

TestResults.Builder setTarget publik (Nilai string)

 The target of the run, e.g.:
string target = 1;

TestResults.Builder setTargetBytes publik (nilai com.google.protobuf.ByteString)

 The target of the run, e.g.:
string target = 1;

TestResults.Builder setTfVersion publik (Nilai string)

 TensorFlow version this benchmark runs against.
 This can be either set to full version or just the major version.
string tf_version = 12;

TestResults.Builder publik setTfVersionBytes (nilai com.google.protobuf.ByteString)

 TensorFlow version this benchmark runs against.
 This can be either set to full version or just the major version.
string tf_version = 12;

Hasil Tes akhir publik.Builder setUnknownFields (com.google.protobuf.UnknownFieldSet unknownFields)