
kelas akhir statis publik SavedSlice.Builder

 Saved tensor slice: it stores the name of the tensors, the slice, and the
 raw data.
Protobuf tipe tensorflow.SavedSlice

Metode Publik

addRepeatedField (bidang, Nilai objek)
Irisan Tersimpan
Irisan Tersimpan
jernih ()
Hapus data ()
 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto.
clearField (bidang
nama jelas ()
 Name of the tensor that this slice belongs to.
clearOneof ( oneof)
hapusSlice ()
 Extent of the slice.
klon ()
dapatkanData ()
 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto.
dapatkanPembangunData ()
 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto.
dapatkanDataOrBuilder ()
 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto.
Irisan Tersimpan statis terakhir
dapatkan Nama ()
 Name of the tensor that this slice belongs to.
dapatkanNamaBytes ()
 Name of the tensor that this slice belongs to.
dapatkan Irisan ()
 Extent of the slice.
dapatkanSliceBuilder ()
 Extent of the slice.
dapatkanSliceOrBuilder ()
 Extent of the slice.
memilikiData ()
 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto.
memilikiSlice ()
 Extent of the slice.
boolean terakhir
mergeData (nilai TensorProto )
 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto.
mergeFrom ( masukan, extensionRegistry)
mergeFrom ( lainnya)
mergeSlice (nilai TensorSliceProto )
 Extent of the slice.
terakhir SavedSlice.Builder
mergeUnknownFields ( unknownFields)
setData ( TensorProto.Pembuat pembangunForValue)
 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto.
setData (nilai TensorProto )
 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto.
setField (bidang, Nilai objek)
setName (Nilai string)
 Name of the tensor that this slice belongs to.
setNameBytes (nilai
 Name of the tensor that this slice belongs to.
setRepeatedField (bidang, indeks int, Nilai objek)
setSlice (nilai TensorSliceProto )
 Extent of the slice.
setSlice ( TensorSliceProto.Pembuat pembangunForValue)
 Extent of the slice.
terakhir SavedSlice.Builder
setUnknownFields ( unknownFields)

Metode Warisan

Metode Publik

public SavedSlice.Builder addRepeatedField (bidang, Nilai objek)

build SavedSlice publik ()

publik SavedSlice buildPartial ()

SavedSlice.Builder publik jelas ()

SavedSlice.Builder clearData publik ()

 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto. Only raw data are
 stored (we don't fill in fields such as dtype or tensor_shape).
.tensorflow.TensorProto data = 3;

SavedSlice.Builder clearField publik (bidang

SavedSlice.Builder publik clearName ()

 Name of the tensor that this slice belongs to. This must be identical to
 the name used to encode the key for this record.
string name = 1;

SavedSlice.Builder clearOneof publik ( oneof)

SavedSlice publik.Builder clearSlice ()

 Extent of the slice.  Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the
 tensor that this slice belongs to.
.tensorflow.TensorSliceProto slice = 2;

Klon SavedSlice.Builder publik ()

TensorProto publik getData ()

 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto. Only raw data are
 stored (we don't fill in fields such as dtype or tensor_shape).
.tensorflow.TensorProto data = 3;

TensorProto.Builder publik getDataBuilder ()

 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto. Only raw data are
 stored (we don't fill in fields such as dtype or tensor_shape).
.tensorflow.TensorProto data = 3;

TensorProtoOrBuilder publik getDataOrBuilder ()

 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto. Only raw data are
 stored (we don't fill in fields such as dtype or tensor_shape).
.tensorflow.TensorProto data = 3;

SavedSlice publik getDefaultInstanceForType ()

public static final getDescriptor () publik getDescriptorForType ()

GetName String publik ()

 Name of the tensor that this slice belongs to. This must be identical to
 the name used to encode the key for this record.
string name = 1;

publik getNameBytes ()

 Name of the tensor that this slice belongs to. This must be identical to
 the name used to encode the key for this record.
string name = 1;

TensorSliceProto publik getSlice ()

 Extent of the slice.  Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the
 tensor that this slice belongs to.
.tensorflow.TensorSliceProto slice = 2;

TensorSliceProto.Builder publik getSliceBuilder ()

 Extent of the slice.  Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the
 tensor that this slice belongs to.
.tensorflow.TensorSliceProto slice = 2;

TensorSliceProtoOrBuilder publik getSliceOrBuilder ()

 Extent of the slice.  Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the
 tensor that this slice belongs to.
.tensorflow.TensorSliceProto slice = 2;

hasData boolean publik ()

 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto. Only raw data are
 stored (we don't fill in fields such as dtype or tensor_shape).
.tensorflow.TensorProto data = 3;

boolean publik hasSlice ()

 Extent of the slice.  Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the
 tensor that this slice belongs to.
.tensorflow.TensorSliceProto slice = 2;

boolean akhir publik diinisialisasi ()

SavedSlice.Builder mergeData publik (nilai TensorProto )

 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto. Only raw data are
 stored (we don't fill in fields such as dtype or tensor_shape).
.tensorflow.TensorProto data = 3;

SavedSlice.Builder mergeFrom publik ( masukan, extensionRegistry)

Pengecualian IO

SavedSlice.Builder mergeFrom publik ( lainnya)

SavedSlice.Builder mergeSlice publik (nilai TensorSliceProto )

 Extent of the slice.  Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the
 tensor that this slice belongs to.
.tensorflow.TensorSliceProto slice = 2;

SavedSlice.Builder mergeUnknownFields akhir publik ( unknownFields)

SavedSlice.Builder setData publik ( TensorProto.Builder builderForValue)

 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto. Only raw data are
 stored (we don't fill in fields such as dtype or tensor_shape).
.tensorflow.TensorProto data = 3;

SavedSlice.Builder setData publik (nilai TensorProto )

 The raw data of the slice is stored as a TensorProto. Only raw data are
 stored (we don't fill in fields such as dtype or tensor_shape).
.tensorflow.TensorProto data = 3;

public SavedSlice.Builder setField (bidang, Nilai objek)

public SavedSlice.Builder setName (Nilai string)

 Name of the tensor that this slice belongs to. This must be identical to
 the name used to encode the key for this record.
string name = 1;

SavedSlice.Builder setNameBytes publik (nilai

 Name of the tensor that this slice belongs to. This must be identical to
 the name used to encode the key for this record.
string name = 1;

public SavedSlice.Builder setRepeatedField (bidang, indeks int, Nilai objek)

SavedSlice.Builder setSlice publik (nilai TensorSliceProto )

 Extent of the slice.  Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the
 tensor that this slice belongs to.
.tensorflow.TensorSliceProto slice = 2;

SavedSlice.Builder setSlice publik ( TensorSliceProto.Builder builderForValue)

 Extent of the slice.  Must have one entry for each of the dimension of the
 tensor that this slice belongs to.
.tensorflow.TensorSliceProto slice = 2;

public final SavedSlice.Builder setUnknownFields ( unknownFields)