
رابط عمومی GraphDebugInfoOrBuilder
زیر کلاس های غیر مستقیم شناخته شده

روش های عمومی

بولی انتزاعی
حاوی Traces (کلید رشته)
 This maps a node name to a stack trace in the source code.
رشته انتزاعی
getFiles (شاخص int)
 This stores all the source code file names and can be indexed by the
getFilesBytes (شاخص int)
 This stores all the source code file names and can be indexed by the
getFilesCount ()
 This stores all the source code file names and can be indexed by the
فهرست انتزاعی<String>
getFilesList ()
 This stores all the source code file names and can be indexed by the
نقشه انتزاعی<String, GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace >
getTraces ()
به جای آن از getTracesMap() استفاده کنید.
getTracesCount ()
 This maps a node name to a stack trace in the source code.
نقشه انتزاعی<String, GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace >
getTracesMap ()
 This maps a node name to a stack trace in the source code.
چکیده GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace
getTracesOrDefault (کلید رشته، GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace defaultValue)
 This maps a node name to a stack trace in the source code.
چکیده GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace
getTracesOrThrow (کلید رشته)
 This maps a node name to a stack trace in the source code.

روش های عمومی

بولی انتزاعی عمومی شامل Traces (کلید رشته)

 This maps a node name to a stack trace in the source code.
 The map key is a mangling of the containing function and op name with
 syntax: '@' func_name
 For ops in the top-level graph, the func_name is the empty string.
 Note that op names are restricted to a small number of characters which
 exclude '@', making it impossible to collide keys of this form. Function
 names accept a much wider set of characters.
 It would be preferable to avoid mangling and use a tuple key of (,
 func_name), but this is not supported with protocol buffers.
map<string, .tensorflow.GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace> traces = 2;

رشته انتزاعی عمومی getFiles (شاخص int)

 This stores all the source code file names and can be indexed by the
repeated string files = 1;

عمومی انتزاعی getFilesBytes (int index)

 This stores all the source code file names and can be indexed by the
repeated string files = 1;

انتزاعی عمومی int getFilesCount ()

 This stores all the source code file names and can be indexed by the
repeated string files = 1;

فهرست انتزاعی عمومی<String> getFilesList ()

 This stores all the source code file names and can be indexed by the
repeated string files = 1;

نقشه انتزاعی عمومی<String, GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace > getTraces ()

به جای آن از getTracesMap() استفاده کنید.

انتزاع عمومی int getTracesCount ()

 This maps a node name to a stack trace in the source code.
 The map key is a mangling of the containing function and op name with
 syntax: '@' func_name
 For ops in the top-level graph, the func_name is the empty string.
 Note that op names are restricted to a small number of characters which
 exclude '@', making it impossible to collide keys of this form. Function
 names accept a much wider set of characters.
 It would be preferable to avoid mangling and use a tuple key of (,
 func_name), but this is not supported with protocol buffers.
map<string, .tensorflow.GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace> traces = 2;

نقشه انتزاعی عمومی<String, GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace > getTracesMap ()

 This maps a node name to a stack trace in the source code.
 The map key is a mangling of the containing function and op name with
 syntax: '@' func_name
 For ops in the top-level graph, the func_name is the empty string.
 Note that op names are restricted to a small number of characters which
 exclude '@', making it impossible to collide keys of this form. Function
 names accept a much wider set of characters.
 It would be preferable to avoid mangling and use a tuple key of (,
 func_name), but this is not supported with protocol buffers.
map<string, .tensorflow.GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace> traces = 2;

چکیده عمومی GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace getTracesOrDefault (کلید رشته، GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace defaultValue)

 This maps a node name to a stack trace in the source code.
 The map key is a mangling of the containing function and op name with
 syntax: '@' func_name
 For ops in the top-level graph, the func_name is the empty string.
 Note that op names are restricted to a small number of characters which
 exclude '@', making it impossible to collide keys of this form. Function
 names accept a much wider set of characters.
 It would be preferable to avoid mangling and use a tuple key of (,
 func_name), but this is not supported with protocol buffers.
map<string, .tensorflow.GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace> traces = 2;

چکیده عمومی GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace getTracesOrThrow (کلید رشته)

 This maps a node name to a stack trace in the source code.
 The map key is a mangling of the containing function and op name with
 syntax: '@' func_name
 For ops in the top-level graph, the func_name is the empty string.
 Note that op names are restricted to a small number of characters which
 exclude '@', making it impossible to collide keys of this form. Function
 names accept a much wider set of characters.
 It would be preferable to avoid mangling and use a tuple key of (,
 func_name), but this is not supported with protocol buffers.
map<string, .tensorflow.GraphDebugInfo.StackTrace> traces = 2;