
کلاس نهایی استاتیک عمومی NamedTensorProto.Builder

 A pair of tensor name and tensor values.
نوع Protobuf tensorflow.NamedTensorProto

روش های عمومی

با نام TensorProto.Builder
addRepeatedField ( فیلد، مقدار Object)
با نام TensorProto
با نام TensorProto
با نام TensorProto.Builder
با نام TensorProto.Builder
clearField (فیلد
با نام TensorProto.Builder
clearName ()
 Name of the tensor.
با نام TensorProto.Builder
clearOneof ( oneof)
با نام TensorProto.Builder
clearTensor ()
 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
با نام TensorProto.Builder
با نام TensorProto
نهایی static
getName ()
 Name of the tensor.
getNameBytes ()
 Name of the tensor.
getTensor ()
 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
getTensorBuilder ()
 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
getTensorOrBuilder ()
 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
hasTensor ()
 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
بولی نهایی
با نام TensorProto.Builder
mergeFrom (ورودی، extensionRegistry)
با نام TensorProto.Builder
mergeFrom ( other)
با نام TensorProto.Builder
mergeTensor (مقدار TensorProto )
 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
نهایی NamedTensorProto.Builder
mergeUnknownFields (
با نام TensorProto.Builder
setField ( فیلد، مقدار Object)
با نام TensorProto.Builder
setName (مقدار رشته)
 Name of the tensor.
با نام TensorProto.Builder
setNameBytes (مقدار
 Name of the tensor.
با نام TensorProto.Builder
setRepeatedField (، نمایه int، مقدار Object)
با نام TensorProto.Builder
setTensor ( TensorProto.Builder builderForValue)
 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
با نام TensorProto.Builder
setTensor (مقدار TensorProto )
 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
نهایی NamedTensorProto.Builder
setUnknownFields (

روش های ارثی

روش های عمومی

عمومی NamedTensorProto.Builder addRepeatedField (فیلد، مقدار Object)

ساخت عمومی NamedTensorProto ()

عمومی NamedTensorProto buildPartial ()

عمومی NamedTensorProto.Builder پاک ()

public NamedTensorProto.Builder clearField (فیلد

عمومی NamedTensorProto.Builder clearName ()

 Name of the tensor.
string name = 1;

عمومی NamedTensorProto.Builder clearOneof ( oneof)

عمومی NamedTensorProto.Builder clearTensor ()

 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
 The client specifies whether the returned tensor values should be
 filled tensor fields (float_val, int_val, etc.) or encoded in a
 compact form in tensor.tensor_content.
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor = 2;

کلون عمومی NamedTensorProto.Builder ()

عمومی NamedTensorProto getDefaultInstanceForType ()

public static final getDescriptor ()

عمومی getDescriptorForType ()

رشته عمومی getName ()

 Name of the tensor.
string name = 1;

عمومی getNameBytes ()

 Name of the tensor.
string name = 1;

عمومی TensorProto getTensor ()

 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
 The client specifies whether the returned tensor values should be
 filled tensor fields (float_val, int_val, etc.) or encoded in a
 compact form in tensor.tensor_content.
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor = 2;

عمومی TensorProto.Builder getTensorBuilder ()

 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
 The client specifies whether the returned tensor values should be
 filled tensor fields (float_val, int_val, etc.) or encoded in a
 compact form in tensor.tensor_content.
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor = 2;

عمومی TensorProtoOrBuilder getTensorOrBuilder ()

 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
 The client specifies whether the returned tensor values should be
 filled tensor fields (float_val, int_val, etc.) or encoded in a
 compact form in tensor.tensor_content.
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor = 2;

hasTensor بولین عمومی ()

 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
 The client specifies whether the returned tensor values should be
 filled tensor fields (float_val, int_val, etc.) or encoded in a
 compact form in tensor.tensor_content.
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor = 2;

بولین نهایی عمومی isInitialized ()

عمومی NamedTensorProto.Builder mergeFrom (ورودی, extensionRegistry)

پرتاب می کند

عمومی NamedTensorProto.Builder mergeFrom ( other)

عمومی NamedTensorProto.Builder mergeTensor (مقدار TensorProto )

 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
 The client specifies whether the returned tensor values should be
 filled tensor fields (float_val, int_val, etc.) or encoded in a
 compact form in tensor.tensor_content.
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor = 2;

نهایی عمومی NamedTensorProto.Builder mergeUnknownFields (

public NamedTensorProto.Builder setField ( فیلد، مقدار Object)

عمومی NamedTensorProto.Builder setName (مقدار رشته)

 Name of the tensor.
string name = 1;

عمومی NamedTensorProto.Builder setNameBytes (مقدار

 Name of the tensor.
string name = 1;

public NamedTensorProto.Builder setRepeatedField (فیلد، نمایه int، مقدار Object)

عمومی NamedTensorProto.Builder setTensor ( TensorProto.Builder builderForValue)

 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
 The client specifies whether the returned tensor values should be
 filled tensor fields (float_val, int_val, etc.) or encoded in a
 compact form in tensor.tensor_content.
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor = 2;

عمومی NamedTensorProto.Builder setTensor (مقدار TensorProto )

 The client can populate a TensorProto using a tensorflow::Tensor`, or
 directly using the protobuf field accessors.
 The client specifies whether the returned tensor values should be
 filled tensor fields (float_val, int_val, etc.) or encoded in a
 compact form in tensor.tensor_content.
.tensorflow.TensorProto tensor = 2;

نهایی عمومی NamedTensorProto.Builder setUnknownFields (