
رابط عمومی OpDeprecationOrBuilder
زیر کلاس های غیر مستقیم شناخته شده

روش های عمومی

رشته انتزاعی
دریافت توضیح ()
 Explanation of why it was deprecated and what to use instead.
چکیده com.google.protobuf.ByteString
getExplanationBytes ()
 Explanation of why it was deprecated and what to use instead.
getVersion ()
 First GraphDef version at which the op is disallowed.

روش های عمومی

رشته انتزاعی عمومی getExplanation ()

توضیح رشته

 Explanation of why it was deprecated and what to use instead.
string explanation = 2;

چکیده عمومی com.google.protobuf.ByteString getExplanationBytes ()

توضیح رشته

 Explanation of why it was deprecated and what to use instead.
string explanation = 2;

عمومی انتزاعی int getVersion ()


 First GraphDef version at which the op is disallowed.
int32 version = 1;