
رابط عمومی SaveSliceInfoDefOrBuilder
زیر کلاس های غیر مستقیم شناخته شده

روش های عمومی

رشته انتزاعی
getFullName ()
 Name of the full variable of which this is a slice.
getFullNameBytes ()
 Name of the full variable of which this is a slice.
انتزاعی طولانی
getFullShape (شاخص int)
 Shape of the full variable.
getFullShapeCount ()
 Shape of the full variable.
فهرست چکیده <طولانی>
getFullShapeList ()
 Shape of the full variable.
انتزاعی طولانی
getVarOffset (شاخص int)
 Offset of this variable into the full variable.
getVarOffsetCount ()
 Offset of this variable into the full variable.
فهرست چکیده <طولانی>
getVarOffsetList ()
 Offset of this variable into the full variable.
انتزاعی طولانی
getVarShape (شاخص int)
 Shape of this variable.
getVarShapeCount ()
 Shape of this variable.
فهرست چکیده <طولانی>
getVarShapeList ()
 Shape of this variable.

روش های عمومی

رشته انتزاعی عمومی getFullName ()


 Name of the full variable of which this is a slice.
string full_name = 1;

چکیده عمومی getFullNameBytes ()


 Name of the full variable of which this is a slice.
string full_name = 1;

انتزاع عمومی طولانی getFullShape (شاخص int)

 Shape of the full variable.
repeated int64 full_shape = 2;

انتزاع عمومی int getFullShapeCount ()

 Shape of the full variable.
repeated int64 full_shape = 2;

فهرست انتزاعی عمومی<Long> getFullShapeList ()

 Shape of the full variable.
repeated int64 full_shape = 2;

انتزاع عمومی طولانی getVarOffset (شاخص int)

 Offset of this variable into the full variable.
repeated int64 var_offset = 3;

انتزاع عمومی int getVarOffsetCount ()

 Offset of this variable into the full variable.
repeated int64 var_offset = 3;

فهرست انتزاعی عمومی<Long> getVarOffsetList ()

 Offset of this variable into the full variable.
repeated int64 var_offset = 3;

انتزاع عمومی طولانی getVarShape (شاخص int)

 Shape of this variable.
repeated int64 var_shape = 4;

انتزاع عمومی int getVarShapeCount ()

 Shape of this variable.
repeated int64 var_shape = 4;

فهرست انتزاعی عمومی<Long> getVarShapeList ()

 Shape of this variable.
repeated int64 var_shape = 4;