
Acquisition function for reducing over batch dimensions.

Inherits From: AcquisitionFunction

MCMCReducer evaluates a base acquisition function and takes the mean of the function values over the dimensions indicated by reduce_dims. MCMCReducer is useful for marginalizing over an MCMC sample of GP kernel hyperparameters, for example.


Build and evaluate an acquisition function that computes Gaussian Process Expected Improvement and then marginalizes over the leftmost batch dimension.

import numpy as np
import tensorflow_probability as tfp

tfd = tfp.distributions
tfpk = tfp.math.psd_kernels
tfp_acq = tfp.experimental.bayesopt.acquisition

# Sample 10 20-dimensional index points and associated observations.
index_points = np.random.uniform(size=[10, 20])
observations = np.random.uniform(size=[10])

# The kernel and GP have batch shape [32], representing a sample of
# hyperparameters that we want to marginalize over.
kernel_amplitudes = np.random.uniform(size=[32])

# Build a (batched) Gaussian Process regression model.
dist = tfd.GaussianProcessRegressionModel(

# Define an `MCMCReducer` with GP Expected Improvement.
mcmc_ei = tfp_acq.MCMCReducer(

# Evaluate the acquisition function at a new set of index points,
# marginalizing over the hyperparameter batch.
pred_index_points = np.random.uniform(size=[6, 20])
acq_fn_vals = mcmc_ei(pred_index_points)  # Has shape [6].

predictive_distribution tfd.Distribution-like, the distribution over observations at a set of index points.
observations Float Tensor of observations.
seed PRNG seed; see tfp.random.sanitize_seed for details.
acquisition_class AcquisitionFunction-like callable.
reduce_dims Axis of the acquisition function value array over which to marginalize.
**acquisition_kwargs Kwargs passed to acquisition_class.


is_parallel Python bool indicating whether the acquisition function is parallel.

Parallel (batched) acquisition functions evaluate batches of points rather than single points.

observations Float Tensor of observations.
predictive_distribution The distribution over observations at a set of index points.

seed PRNG seed.



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Call self as a function.