
Internal state of SNAPERHamiltonianMonteCarlo.

inner_results Results of the inner kernel. This is PreconditionedHamiltonianMonteCarloResults wrapped in GradientBasedTrajectoryLengthAdaptationResults.
ema_mean Exponential moving average cross-chain state mean.
ema_variance Exponential moving average cross-chain state variance.
state_ema_points Approximate number of points used to compute the exponential moving averages.
ema_principal_component Exponential moving average cross-chain state covariance matrix principal component.
principal_component_ema_points A namedtuple alias for field number 5
seed PRNG seed; see tfp.random.sanitize_seed for details. The random seed used by the kernel in the previous step.
principal_component__ema_points Approximate number of points used to compute the exponential moving average of the principal component.