Module: tf.compat.v1.feature_column

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Public API for tf._api.v2.feature_column namespace


bucketized_column(...): Represents discretized dense input bucketed by boundaries. (deprecated)

categorical_column_with_hash_bucket(...): Represents sparse feature where ids are set by hashing. (deprecated)

categorical_column_with_identity(...): A CategoricalColumn that returns identity values. (deprecated)

categorical_column_with_vocabulary_file(...): A CategoricalColumn with a vocabulary file. (deprecated)

categorical_column_with_vocabulary_list(...): A CategoricalColumn with in-memory vocabulary. (deprecated)

crossed_column(...): Returns a column for performing crosses of categorical features. (deprecated)

embedding_column(...): DenseColumn that converts from sparse, categorical input. (deprecated)

indicator_column(...): Represents multi-hot representation of given categorical column. (deprecated)

input_layer(...): Returns a dense Tensor as input layer based on given feature_columns. (deprecated)

linear_model(...): Returns a linear prediction Tensor based on given feature_columns. (deprecated)

make_parse_example_spec(...): Creates parsing spec dictionary from input feature_columns. (deprecated)

numeric_column(...): Represents real valued or numerical features. (deprecated)

sequence_categorical_column_with_hash_bucket(...): A sequence of categorical terms where ids are set by hashing. (deprecated)

sequence_categorical_column_with_identity(...): Returns a feature column that represents sequences of integers. (deprecated)

sequence_categorical_column_with_vocabulary_file(...): A sequence of categorical terms where ids use a vocabulary file. (deprecated)

sequence_categorical_column_with_vocabulary_list(...): A sequence of categorical terms where ids use an in-memory list. (deprecated)

sequence_numeric_column(...): Returns a feature column that represents sequences of numeric data. (deprecated)

shared_embedding_columns(...): List of dense columns that convert from sparse, categorical input. (deprecated)

weighted_categorical_column(...): Applies weight values to a CategoricalColumn. (deprecated)