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V2 format specific: merges the metadata files of sharded checkpoints.


result is one logical checkpoint, with one physical metadata file and renamed data files.

Intended for "grouping" multiple checkpoints in a sharded checkpoint setup.

If delete_old_dirs is true, attempts to delete recursively the dirname of each path in the input checkpoint_prefixes. This is useful when those paths are non user-facing temporary locations.

If allow_missing_files is true, merges the checkpoint prefixes as long as at least one file exists. Otherwise, if no files exist, an error will be thrown. The default value for allow_missing_files is false.

checkpoint_prefixes A Tensor of type string. prefixes of V2 checkpoints to merge.
destination_prefix A Tensor of type string. scalar. The desired final prefix. Allowed to be the same as one of the checkpoint_prefixes.
delete_old_dirs An optional bool. Defaults to True. see above.
allow_missing_files An optional bool. Defaults to False. see above.
name A name for the operation (optional).

The created Operation.