Module: tf.experimental.numpy

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Public API for tf._api.v2.experimental.numpy namespace


random module: Public API for tf._api.v2.experimental.numpy.random namespace


class bool_: Boolean type (True or False), stored as a byte.

class complex128: Complex number type composed of two double-precision floating-point numbers, compatible with Python complex.

class complex64: Complex number type composed of two single-precision floating-point numbers.

class complex_: Complex number type composed of two double-precision floating-point numbers, compatible with Python complex.

class float16: Half-precision floating-point number type.

class float32: Single-precision floating-point number type, compatible with C float.

class float64: Double-precision floating-point number type, compatible with Python float and C double.

class float_: Double-precision floating-point number type, compatible with Python float and C double.

class iinfo: iinfo(type)

class inexact: Abstract base class of all numeric scalar types with a (potentially)

class int16: Signed integer type, compatible with C short.

class int32: Signed integer type, compatible with C int.

class int64: Signed integer type, compatible with Python int and C long.

class int8: Signed integer type, compatible with C char.

class int_: Signed integer type, compatible with Python int and C long.

class ndarray: A tf.Tensor represents a multidimensional array of elements.

class object_: Any Python object.

class string_: A byte string.

class uint16: Unsigned integer type, compatible with C unsigned short.

class uint32: Unsigned integer type, compatible with C unsigned int.

class uint64: Unsigned integer type, compatible with C unsigned long.

class uint8: Unsigned integer type, compatible with C unsigned char.

class unicode_: A unicode string.


abs(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's abs.

absolute(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's absolute.

add(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's add.

all(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's all.

allclose(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's allclose.

amax(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's amax.

amin(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's amin.

angle(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's angle.

any(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's any.

append(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's append.

arange(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's arange.

arccos(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's arccos.

arccosh(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's arccosh.

arcsin(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's arcsin.

arcsinh(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's arcsinh.

arctan(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's arctan.

arctan2(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's arctan2.

arctanh(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's arctanh.

argmax(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's argmax.

argmin(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's argmin.

argsort(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's argsort.

around(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's around.

array(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's array.

array_equal(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's array_equal.

asanyarray(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's asanyarray.

asarray(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's asarray.

ascontiguousarray(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's ascontiguousarray.

atleast_1d(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's atleast_1d.

atleast_2d(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's atleast_2d.

atleast_3d(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's atleast_3d.

average(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's average.

bitwise_and(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's bitwise_and.

bitwise_not(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's bitwise_not.

bitwise_or(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's bitwise_or.

bitwise_xor(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's bitwise_xor.

broadcast_arrays(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's broadcast_arrays.

broadcast_to(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's broadcast_to.

cbrt(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's cbrt.

ceil(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's ceil.

clip(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's clip.

compress(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's compress.

concatenate(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's concatenate.

conj(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's conj.

conjugate(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's conjugate.

copy(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's copy.

cos(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's cos.

cosh(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's cosh.

count_nonzero(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's count_nonzero.

cross(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's cross.

cumprod(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's cumprod.

cumsum(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's cumsum.

deg2rad(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's deg2rad.

diag(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's diag.

diag_indices(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's diag_indices.

diagflat(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's diagflat.

diagonal(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's diagonal.

diff(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's diff.

divide(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's divide.

divmod(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's divmod.

dot(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's dot.

dsplit(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's dsplit.

dstack(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's dstack.

einsum(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's einsum.

empty(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's empty.

empty_like(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's empty_like.

equal(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's equal.

exp(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's exp.

exp2(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's exp2.

expand_dims(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's expand_dims.

experimental_enable_numpy_behavior(...): Enable NumPy behavior on Tensors.

expm1(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's expm1.

eye(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's eye.

fabs(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's fabs.

finfo(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's finfo.

fix(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's fix.

flatten(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's flatten.

flip(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's flip.

fliplr(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's fliplr.

flipud(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's flipud.

float_power(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's float_power.

floor(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's floor.

floor_divide(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's floor_divide.

full(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's full.

full_like(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's full_like.

gcd(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's gcd.

geomspace(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's geomspace.

greater(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's greater.

greater_equal(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's greater_equal.

heaviside(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's heaviside.

hsplit(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's hsplit.

hstack(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's hstack.

hypot(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's hypot.

identity(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's identity.

imag(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's imag.

inner(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's inner.

isclose(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's isclose.

iscomplex(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's iscomplex.

iscomplexobj(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's iscomplexobj.

isfinite(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's isfinite.

isinf(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's isinf.

isnan(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's isnan.

isneginf(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's isneginf.

isposinf(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's isposinf.

isreal(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's isreal.

isrealobj(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's isrealobj.

isscalar(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's isscalar.

issubdtype(...): Returns True if first argument is a typecode lower/equal in type hierarchy.

ix_(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's ix_.

kron(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's kron.

lcm(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's lcm.

less(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's less.

less_equal(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's less_equal.

linspace(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's linspace.

log(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's log.

log10(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's log10.

log1p(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's log1p.

log2(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's log2.

logaddexp(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's logaddexp.

logaddexp2(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's logaddexp2.

logical_and(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's logical_and.

logical_not(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's logical_not.

logical_or(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's logical_or.

logical_xor(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's logical_xor.

logspace(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's logspace.

matmul(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's matmul.

max(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's max.

maximum(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's maximum.

mean(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's mean.

meshgrid(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's meshgrid.

min(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's min.

minimum(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's minimum.

mod(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's mod.

moveaxis(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's moveaxis.

multiply(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's multiply.

nanmean(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's nanmean.

nanprod(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's nanprod.

nansum(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's nansum.

ndim(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's ndim.

negative(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's negative.

nextafter(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's nextafter.

nonzero(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's nonzero.

not_equal(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's not_equal.

ones(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's ones.

ones_like(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's ones_like.

outer(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's outer.

pad(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's pad.

polyval(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's polyval.

positive(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's positive.

power(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's power.

prod(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's prod.

promote_types(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's promote_types.

ptp(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's ptp.

rad2deg(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's rad2deg.

ravel(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's ravel.

real(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's real.

reciprocal(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's reciprocal.

remainder(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's remainder.

repeat(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's repeat.

reshape(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's reshape.

result_type(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's result_type.

roll(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's roll.

rot90(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's rot90.

round(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's round.

select(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's select.

shape(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's shape.

sign(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's sign.

signbit(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's signbit.

sin(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's sin.

sinc(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's sinc.

sinh(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's sinh.

size(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's size.

sort(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's sort.

split(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's split.

sqrt(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's sqrt.

square(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's square.

squeeze(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's squeeze.

stack(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's stack.

std(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's std.

subtract(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's subtract.

sum(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's sum.

swapaxes(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's swapaxes.

take(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's take.

take_along_axis(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's take_along_axis.

tan(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's tan.

tanh(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's tanh.

tensordot(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's tensordot.

tile(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's tile.

trace(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's trace.

transpose(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's transpose.

tri(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's tri.

tril(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's tril.

triu(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's triu.

true_divide(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's true_divide.

vander(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's vander.

var(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's var.

vdot(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's vdot.

vsplit(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's vsplit.

vstack(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's vstack.

where(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's where.

zeros(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's zeros.

zeros_like(...): TensorFlow variant of NumPy's zeros_like.

e 2.718281828459045
inf inf
newaxis None
pi 3.141592653589793